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FEZ II in development release 2017?

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    Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
    Also, If your going to make comments like that, at least be a man and say it to his face, or anyone's for that matter, don't hide behind a forum like a child.
    How else can Nakamura call him a twat, then? He'd have to meet him in person somehow.

    If he made a Twitter account and called him a twat through a tweet, that's still hiding behind the internet. If you're saying no one is allowed to call anyone else a twat unless it's in person then that's unfair on those of us who genuinely believe certain people to be twats but have no realistic means of meeting said person to call them a twat to their face.

    As for Fish, I feel sorry for him. I saw Indie Movie and, twat or not, he got treated horribly by people on the internet. It's so easy for people to say things like "grow a pair" and "it's just trolls" but people react differently.

    I've yet to play Fez. I wanted to after I saw Indie Movie but it wasn't on PS3 at the time. I'll get it at some point. Maybe after I get a TV.


      It's just my opinion of him. It is relevant to this particular conversation and I am allowed that opinion. It's hardly like I am actively posting hate comments to him in some strange attempt to make him feel bad.
      I don't think for a second he would even be bothered I think that. If I persued his personal space then maybe.
      Last edited by nakamura; 23-08-2014, 16:25.


        Originally posted by randombs View Post
        How else can Nakamura call him a twat, then? He'd have to meet him in person somehow.

        If he made a Twitter account and called him a twat through a tweet, that's still hiding behind the internet. If you're saying no one is allowed to call anyone else a twat unless it's in person then that's unfair on those of us who genuinely believe certain people to be twats but have no realistic means of meeting said person to call them a twat to their face.

        As for Fish, I feel sorry for him. I saw Indie Movie and, twat or not, he got treated horribly by people on the internet. It's so easy for people to say things like "grow a pair" and "it's just trolls" but people react differently.

        I've yet to play Fez. I wanted to after I saw Indie Movie but it wasn't on PS3 at the time. I'll get it at some point. Maybe after I get a TV.
        If you don't know someone then why say something about them like that in the first place?, in the case of phil fish, he created something and just got slated by petty people for it, not everyone of course, but enough people to actually quit developing.

        That's a very sad situation for someone that just wanted to make fun for other people, is a loss for everyone and shouldn't be condoned or defended.

        @nakamura. I expect more from the posters on here than to make comments like that, it's just daft. Yes your entitled to your opinion, but honestly, you have no idea what the guy is actually like, so why even presume in the first place?


          I'm only going on what he has shown me via interviews etc.
          I don't condone anyone giving him hate, that's just pathetic.

          However, when you act the way he has done, and I'm not talking about reaction to hate, then expect people to dislike you.


            Am I on Tumblr or what? lol


              Wow fish defence force out in full on here it seems lol. If you work as a professional in an industry then you should certainly behave like one, acting like a little diva is neither professional or going to win you over with gamers which eventually came back & bit him in the ass. Also insulting the consumers of the product you are creating is never a good idea, gamers are vengeful creatures lol.

              Can't say i feel sorry for him his own actions are what brought all this down on him, thats the problem with the internet things quickly spiral out of control when you run your mouth off.

              I still bought the game & loved it as it is a really well made one. I certainly wasn't going to boycott a game i was eager to play just because the creator acted like an ass online.


                Well it not just gamers but he does like a dig at his fellow developers to, before he deleted his twitter there was lovely couple of tweets where he mocked Notch for clifhorse recently, not something a professional should be doing and makes him look a twat (which he 100% is).


                  Deleted his Twitter? What a drama queen.


                    Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                    Well it not just gamers but he does like a dig at his fellow developers to, before he deleted his twitter there was lovely couple of tweets where he mocked Notch for clifhorse recently, not something a professional should be doing and makes him look a twat (which he 100% is).


                      Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                      Well it not just gamers but he does like a dig at his fellow developers to, before he deleted his twitter there was lovely couple of tweets where he mocked Notch for clifhorse recently, not something a professional should be doing and makes him look a twat (which he 100% is).
                      What did he say about cliffhorse?


                        its still is google's cache, but it just typical day for Phil tweets, I think he started this because Notch wasn't tweeting about Ferguson or some nonsense like that.

                        I do like that Notch politely puts him in his place, but Phil carries on.


                          I'm not even sure if that was all just joking between 2 people that know each other.

                          Cliffhorse wasn't even a real game.


                            Didn't really come across as joking to me but you could be correct they might be just joking i have no way of knowing for sure. However on a forum having playful banter is one thing, on twitter directly calling someone out for all to see is another, especially more amusing that it was Notch that he targeted, as good as fez is it can't even begin to compare to the hugeness of minecraft.

