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Is it too hot to game?

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    Continuing to full on game during heat? That's man plan


      I challenge someone to take a photo of themselves gaming away in their underpants eating an icecream with half of it melted down their belly i bet there's going to be one of us looking like that at some point
      Last edited by Yakumo; 17-07-2013, 11:02.


        No humidity in the UK? Hit highs of 77% yesterday. Pretty sticky heat here.


          I often game naked, nowadays.


            I would but I don't want to leave **** stains on my couch.


              It's that lack of indoor air-conditioning that makes it horrible for indoor gaming!


                I played some PS3 the other night and by the time I'd finished, I'd turned it so the fan was getting as much air as possible, but I probably could have dried my hair on the heat that it was belching out. It was noisier than a hairdryer by that point too!

                Every time it gets that hot, I worry it's not going to turn on next time...


                  Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                  I would but I don't want to leave **** stains on my couch.
                  Easy solution...just wipe your bum properly

                  It's mental in my flat for heat & I haven't even dared to turn the PS3 or 360 on as they are most likely to expire in the heat...the fans go bonkers from the moment you start them up trying to keep cool.



                    Over the weekend I was playing Forza Horizon (no thinking involved) whilst the PS3 was downloading Battlefield 3, no wonder I was so hot. I think this is the reason nobody releases games this time of year, it's supposed to be this hot lol.


                      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                      No humidity in the UK? Hit highs of 77% yesterday. Pretty sticky heat here.
                      It may say 77% but believe me, I lived in the UK for 22 years and i can tell you that even the most humid British summer is a walk in the park compared to here


                        It's summer so it is meant to be this hot. The media call it a heatwave though.


                          Don't they call it a heat wave every year?


                            According the media the heat isn't a sign of summer, its global warming. Except when its colder... that's global warming too. Or windy... or rainy... or...


                              I'm amazed at the amount of people who come into my shop moaning how hot it is wearing jeans, suits etc.
                              Dress for the weather numb nuts!!!

                              I am in Xabia, Spain at the moment, just got something out of the car and it says 39?c on the dash, yeah it is hot, but I'm in shorts and a thin shirt so it just feels nice.


                                I hear your pain. This weather is great but is also draining in equal measure.

                                Yakumo, I was in Japan in Summer '08 on Honshu so I feel you with the humidity. We've dealt with a 3rd of that here at best so far. I don't think British people could cope if it was the same.

                                Must say, perhaps this is a good time to play horror/ghost games at night. The Japanese have got it right there. Or some burning fighters perhaps...

