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Wii Won't Forget You

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    In theory both 360 and PS3 could creep past Wii but after this many years and a new gen being in full swing soon history will always have Wii in first


      Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
      Looks like I better get on with downloading what I want off of Wii VC before the plug is officially pulled on it. And I better get on with completing my Wii game collection.
      Or you could just soft-mod it and then download everything even after the plug is pulled.


        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
        In theory both 360 and PS3 could creep past Wii but after this many years and a new gen being in full swing soon history will always have Wii in first
        Maybe. MS will drop 360 like a ton of brick though. Sony know better, they will keep ps3 alive as long as possible with new software, or at the very least ps3 versions too, along with the psn store. This is the time Sony will be looking to get ps3 into as many new territories as possible as the console will now be very profitable, plus this will offset the sting on launching the ps4.

        Nintendo would be bat **** crazy to pull the online store plug though, it means they will automatically cut off potential online sales for 100 million consoles. Saying that, it sounds exactly the sort of thing ninty would do. Plenty of people I know stlli use their Wii online for iPlayer, Netflix and gaming, so there's always a chance for an extra online sale, not like the online store is taking up shelf space.
        Last edited by fishbowlhead; 28-10-2013, 09:05.


          Thats the curious aspect with 360 , they'll often talk up wanting years of solid sales off it still yet its clear they've ceased their own software support. PS3 has launched in so many territories that they might just overtake Wii in a couple of years... not sure 360 will manage it


            Originally posted by dataDave View Post
            Or you could just soft-mod it and then download everything even after the plug is pulled.
            1) My Wii is already soft-modded (has been for quite some time), but your attempted second-guessing is appreciated.

            2) Don't know if you're aware, but not all homebrew emulation of other machines on Wii is spot-on (Neo-Geo, some PCE, some MAME, etc.). A lot of ROMs won't run in many cases.
            Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 28-10-2013, 19:00.


              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
              In theory both 360 and PS3 could creep past Wii but after this many years and a new gen being in full swing soon history will always have Wii in first
              No chance in hell for the PS3 and/or 360 to reach 100m+ global hardware sales now or in the future, nevermind surpass the Wii's sales figures. That ship has sailed.

              I'll have that bet with anybody on this forum.

