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Your best game of the generation

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    Got EDF 4 in the drawer sealed and waiting for Christmas so that could be my no.1, toss up between IA and Vanquish in the end I went for;



      This is a really hard question for me as, while there have been a ton of great games on all systems, there isn't one (or even a few) that truly stand out above everything else. I don't mean this in a negative way either as in terms of quantity the quality of games this gen had been arguably higher than ever before - but there hasn't really been something I can truly say stand it above everything else.

      I loved Mass Effect, but the series didn't quite live up to its potential. Gears of War was impressive but again never quite reached classic status for me. Dead Space I loved but its sequels should have refined it to perfection but in fact they got worse. Mirrors Edge was also a fantastic game that had a few rough edges that could have been ironed out for a sequel. GT5 was a letdown and MGS4 wildly inconsistent in quality. I suppose Uncharted 2 probably blew my socks off more than anything else but even that was a few notches below perfect.

      This gen lacked a Resident Evil 4, a Metroid Prime, a Halo, an Ocarina of Time, a Goldeneye, a Half Life (HL2 appeared on the original Xbox and was my game of the last generation so I can't include it here). Something from Team Ico would have been nice as Shadow of the Colossus's weak points were only due to the lack of power in the PS2 so it's a shame they never managed to get something out on PS3.

      So yeah, in conclusion I'm struggling to pick one to the point where my head hurts so I'll go with Mario Galaxy, Bayonetta and Forza Horizon as they were games where I wouldn't change a thing so that's my answer even though it is cheating
      Last edited by mr_sockochris; 24-10-2013, 18:40.


        Currently, Nier. For the emotion, man. The way the characters and story changed in the subsequent playthroughs.
        Though it'll be EDF 4 in the end, because it kicks your ass, then jizzes all over it.
        Last edited by prinnysquad; 24-10-2013, 19:27.


          Vanquish, narrowly beating Bayonetta for my vote. The Wonderful 101 is currently on course to be my game of the next generation too.

          Platinum Games really have been the standout developer of recent years.


            King of Fighters XIII - for this generation anyway, the best hand drawn 2D fighter of them all. Finally everything in the game was of the same professional quality from the depth of the fighting system to the character animation, the backgrounds, the music and the high quality of gameplay. A great entry in the franchise.

            Alternatively, The Last of Us due to having high production values, a mature story and characters and being really gripping to play throughout its entirety. I hope this game still looks decent in 5 years time (but graphical standards will have progressed far by then so whatever).


              Mario Galaxy! Mario Galaxy! Mario Galaxy! Mario Galaxy! Mario Galaxy!


                Demon's Souls, the only contender.


                  Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                  The Wonderful 101 is currently on course to be my game of the next generation too.
                  Oh. Okay then, I'll go with:



                    Before the current generation, there were good batman games, the sunsoft NES platformers, the pacman-esque PC-Engine game, and the Mega CD Adventures of Batman and Robin are some of my faves. They were good games that featured Batman, but none of them let you be The Batman. Sure you could pick enemies up with one hand and fling them into a now smashed wall in Batman Returns on the SNES, but it was used to look cool, not to intimidate, the other enemies on screen, they just carried on as if nothing had happened. I wanted more, I wanted to scare the life out of my enemies, slowly picking them off one by one until the last one, now a nervous wreck, was shouting at nothing and shooting at shadows. Two well placed boots to the face and maybe the life of crime is not what you thought it would be, eh boyo.

                    Then Rocksteady brought us Arkham Asylum, the early reports were good, they were doing things right, this time I might get to be Batman. After what seemed like an eternity I played the demo, my excitement went through the roof, this was going to be special. It was absolutely superb, they got what it meant to be Batman, and having the voice actors from the animated TV series with Paul Dini writing the story, took me straight back to going to grandmas house after school and being mesmerised in my early teens. This was the ultimate Batman game...

                    With Arkham City they turned the dial up to 11, you got Batman, you got Robin (and Nightwing, if you bought the DLC, I did ), and more baddies than you should be able to fit on a single disk. Sure, it was missing the fantastic Scarecrow moments from Asylum, and some people thought the map was too big, preferring the more linear nature of the previous game. I can understand that, but to me, this is the ultimate love letter to Bat fans, and I can't wait to see what Rocksteady have in store for next gen.


                      Saints Row 2. The franchise has since lost its way but SR2 took GTA and made it fun again.


                        Super mario galaxy , by far the best game , skyward sword just missing out .

                        Really loved bayonetta ,uncharted 3 too




                            No nominations for "hide the sausage" then?



                              (Dark Souls)


                                I put Mario Galaxy on this morning and it swiftly reminded me. It wins.

