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Playstation 4 vs. Xbox One

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    Playstation 4 vs. Xbox One

    That's right, I made a PS4 vs. Xbox One thread.

    Apart from giving the forum mods something to do I've made this thread for people who are still on the fence on which to get. I still can't decide which to get, I literally change my mind every hour. They're either both very good or both equally bad. The excited child in me says go back to PlayStation and the addicted Xbox Live Moto GP/Halo 2 college boy tells me to stick with Xbox.

    I remember after E3 we were all going for the PS4, it ticked all of the right boxes and we were all taking the piss out of EvilBoris for sticking with the Xbox One. Who is laughing now because MS have really turned it around these passed few months, from the DRM U turn, better launch line-up and feel good factor in their advertising.

    Reviews for each console from Engadget:

    Last edited by MarioMark; 24-11-2013, 07:59.

    Best controller is a bit subjective I've heard a lot of reviews to the contrary


      Yeah true. I've played on a PS4 and I loved the pad, but so much good is said about the Xbox One pad I thought I'd put it on the Xbox List, maybe I should take it off 'til we've played both...


        Best controller is definitely subjective. I'm one of many people who prefer the symmetrical analogue sticks of the Dual Shock controllers, and am far more interested in the Dual Shock 4's touch pad than rumble triggers (which had much less practical utility, in my opinion). XBox One controller also requires batteries or a separate play-and-charge kit.

        The PS4 comes out quite a far bit further ahead in terms of specs. The PS4 GPU is estimated to be 30% more powerful, and the significance of using 8GB GDDR5 in the PS4 should not be underestimated. The XBox One's 8GB DDR3 will be particularly limiting for the GPU - GPUs on PCs haven't used DDR3 for years.


          OK fair enough I've swapped best pad with supporting DLNA in the Xbox section. And no I won't put Xbox One plays audio CDs


            To be honest, I hate MS but Killzone aside, Xbone has better games.


              Remote Play and Second Screen compatibility with the Vita (WiiU-like functionality) is a plus for the PS4.

              EDIT - Limited Second Screen compatibility is also supported with tablets, and Remote Play is also supported by the Vita TV.
              Last edited by sj33; 07-11-2013, 20:34.


                I dont see Xbox Live being an advantage this time around. Party chat will be in surely for microsofts answer to PS+ has been pretty crap tbh.


                  You've got Xbox Live as a plus for MS, but no Playstation Plus for Sony? Free games up the wazoo.

                  Everyone keeps saying MS have really turned it around, but other than the reversal of their disastrous policy decisions I can't see what they have done - the machine is still less advanced for more money, the launch games were always known so nothing has changed there. It's more like people just want an excuse to stick with xbox so have convinced themselves something has changed (that's how it looks from where I'm sat anyway).

                  I won't be getting either machine at launch, but I will pick up a PS4 next year sometime.


                    You can put down Xbox One Exclusive Content and Timed Releases for top titles in the positives as that heavily swung it for me (Fifa 14, Call of Duty Ghosts and others)

                    Along with the offering of a free copy of Fifa 14 or Forza 5 with the console (although obviously the console costs more in the first place)


                      This thread sucks the big one. Shouldn't the consoles actually be out before this type of thread happens?

                      The PS4 camera comes in the box in certain regions.

                      Doesn't Xbox have a huge backlog of franchises too?

                      Is smaller console design actually an advantage?

                      Xbox One doesn't have exclusivity on exclusive content. PS4 has exclusive content for AC4.

                      Best spec machine on paper means absolutely nothing. PS3 is more powerful than Xbox 360, and look what happened there.

                      PS4 is cheaper, Xbox One has better games. That's it, but we already knew that anyway. You get a free game with Xbox, and the camera is a ?55 optional extra for PS4. Swings and roundabouts there.
                      Last edited by J0e Musashi; 07-11-2013, 21:18.
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        That stuff is always swings and roundabouts though, in fairness. I think Sony have an exclusive deal on Assassin's Creed 4 content, for example.


                          Beyond specs and games we don't really know a great deal about the other functionality the console's will offer. The limits they have, the caveats and the missing features they've stayed quiet about.

                          Even going into launch I suspect there will be disappointment on both sides of the fence.


                            Originally posted by Olly C View Post
                            You can put down Xbox One Exclusive Content and Timed Releases for top titles in the positives as that heavily swung it for me (Fifa 14, Call of Duty Ghosts and others)

                            Along with the offering of a free copy of Fifa 14 or Forza 5 with the console (although obviously the console costs more in the first place)
                            Free for an extra ?100.


                              Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
                              Free for an extra ?100.
                              Same price as the PS4 camera and a game though, which people will likely buy anyway.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?

