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Playstation 4 vs. Xbox One

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    None of that makes Kinect better though.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      Well this is just going to turn into a circle jerk...

      I'm buying an Xbox One, I don't care if it is the better console or not. I like Microsoft's user interface and branding more, I find the controller to be more comfortable. I'm not really interested in any exclusives other than curiosity (Below) but it's getting all the multi-platform titles I want (Destiny, Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: Battlefront) and I have a Wii U for exclusives.
      Last edited by Pikate; 07-11-2013, 22:06.


        Come home from work.

        Xbox On.
        Xbox Launch Crimson Dragon.
        *on screen* Press Start.

        Now....where the **** is my pad???

        That's a scenario I know will happen and I will think, god damn that's cool I can just switch my console on and launch a game like that before I have even sat my arse down and switched my pad on.

        Everything should be that easy.


          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
          None of that makes Kinect better though.
          Next you'll be telling me that you call everyone because sending texts is weird.
          Last edited by EvilBoris; 07-11-2013, 22:36.


            Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
            What about if you like Halo and Gears of War? Best spec machine means absolutely nothing, as I said.
            Yep that is why I was saying it is subjective but it is still there. I love Gears as it is one of the only games my wife will play online but there are very strong signs it will be multi platform this time round anyway.R

            Right now based on exclusives it is almost impossible to say which console to go with. Okay so you know Halo is going to be on Xbox but what other ones are 100% guaranteed?

            I am almost now thinking I'll hold off on jumping to next gen and seeing how everything is once the dust settles.
            Last edited by GluedOnBeard; 07-11-2013, 22:39.


              Although not game related this is the best use of Kinect I've seen. Very impressed with whats capable and this will be huge as it's all free for people with Gold.


                I could see myself actually using that. Especially if they tied it in with leaderboards/ achievements. Oh, and that it's free for Gold members .


                  I find no rational reason to opt for either for at least 18 months. Why? Because it's better to get 2nd iteration hardware, and the games hardly differentiate either from PC gaming. Unless you do multiplayer often stick to what you have.. And wait for the hyperbole to die down.


                    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                    Next you'll be telling me that you call everyone because sending texts is weird.
                    Of course not, but you can't go saying something is better than something else when neither has had any real-world use. The PS4 voice functions might be incredible.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Voice functions are gimmicky at best. I have an iPhone with Siri, an S4 with Google voice and a Samsung TV with voice control.
                      Never used any of them.
                      I can't see me ever using Kinect either TBH.


                        Voice control is only any good in a place where using a controller or touch screen isnt safe. I have many systems that do voice control but the only one I use is my Nexus 7 in the car because its easier and safer than reaching over to touch the screen Home voice command is a gimick.


                          I feel like an idiot using anything with voice control, even more so if I'm on my own.
                          Last edited by MarioMark; 08-11-2013, 15:10.


                            I struggle to see the usefulness of kinect in controlling games. It seems like a high latency mouse, without any buttons. (As Carmack would say.)

                            The voice control seems like a useful feature, but I have a strange hangup that I feel stupid talking to A.I.

                            The Xb1 is running some kind of OS based on the windows kernal. So there might be lots of PC apps coming that could benefit from Kinect too.

                            I don't really think about which is "best" though, as I tend to get all consoles each generation. I would have appreciated a bit beefier GPU's in both of them.


                              PS: I hope that the XB1 is a success, otherwise I fear MS will drop the brand all togther.


                                The one thing you can add as a plus to the Xbox One is the HDMI pass through the PS4 lacks.

                                We still don't know fully precisely what benefits that adds but it's definitely an added extra that may yield some interesting functionality.

                                As for kinect. You can voice and animate characters in project spark. Lean/Peak using head tracking & issue voice commands in BF4 and scan DLC QR codes to name a few definite functions.

                                The controller preference is also subjective but I'd at least add touch pad for PS4 and rumble triggers for XBO as some of the game implementations for both have stood out when I've used them.

