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Fallout 4

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    Originally posted by Pikate View Post
    New Vegas must not have been canon?
    I don't know if Bethesda considers New Vegas canon (I would presume so), but that's irrelevant. The nuclear war happens in 2077 in the Fallout canon, that goes way back to original Fallout (which starts in 2161, Fallout 3 happens 2266). So why there would be a nuclear winter in 2299 is a mystery.

    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
    You so ker-aaaazy.
    New Vegas is better because of the writing, more memorable characters and better setting. There are actually real settlements and factions in NV unlike in Fallout 3 where there're maybe two actual towns in the entire game (one if you blow up Megaton). There's also more player choice and freedom in NV and the bigger level cap and better balance meant you didn't max out your character halfway through the game like in F3 which rendered exploring the rest of the map completely pointless.


      Agreed. NV is the better game due to the story/writing. Both were great either way.

      I'd like a return to the isometric Fallout - it would look lush on the current gen/pc. Wasteland 2 will have to do


        New Vegas was crap, horrible structure, rubbish story, boring cowboy setting. Terrible missions. Too much aimless open ended wandering. Not to mention it could be completed in about 2 hours, which was ridiculous.

        Fallout 3 is a masterpiece. Amazing game in every way, and if you tried skipping to the end you died a lot, unlike new Vegas.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 26-11-2013, 10:29.


          You guys are crazy.

          BOTH New Vegas and Fallout 3 were amazing.

          Easily 2 of my favourite games on the 360. Could play them over and over.


            Yeah, I played and enjoyed BOTH games immensely, so I win!

            I played NV for months earlier this year. I think about 6 months altogether!
            Plus I have some of the DLC left to play. The casino heist was excellent and very tense.

            Have anybody done the achievement for completing it on hard, but doing it the ultra-fast way?
            It's quite comical to strip the game down to just a few decisions, but only do it if you've completed the whole game first.

            I REALLY wanted to look what was in the dome near the dinosaur house, so I glitched my way across the mountains where I really wasn't supposed to be. I found the rockets in there, but couldn't interact. I felt a sense of pride managing to work around their invisible walls!


              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
              New Vegas was crap, horrible structure, rubbish story, boring cowboy setting. Terrible missions. Too much aimless open ended wandering. Not to mention it could be completed in about 2 hours, which was ridiculous.

              Fallout 3 is a masterpiece. Amazing game in every way, and if you tried skipping to the end you died a lot, unlike new Vegas.
              Not really surprising that you wouldn't recognize quality. Then again, you think Crystal Skull is also a masterpiece, so that might explain a lot.
              Last edited by Guts; 26-11-2013, 11:12.


                All i remember is new vegas been broke as hell thanks to the stupid faction thing they put in. Tried completing certain faction questlines to get the achievements, had the guide so i was doing everything by the book. Just near the end of the stupid roman faction quest i find it's totally broken all of a sudden everyone has turned on me for no reason & now im unable to go any further. In the end thats what put me off finishing it. All those hours for nothing.

                In the 200+ hours i put into fallout 3 i never had a single quest break where i couldn't complete it, in comparison new vegas was nowhere near as good. Sure there were all kinds of glitches & stuff in fallout 3 but never quest breaking ones. Maybe i was just unlucky with new vegas but im not going to return now.

                They better bug test the **** out of 4, although with these kinds of games it's probably best going with pc version as least you can cheat your way past the game breaking bugs with the command prompt.


                  Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                  Yeah, I played and enjoyed BOTH games immensely, so I win!
                  We're all winners here QualityChimp

                  Personally I'm really looking forward to this, I didn't play Fallout 3/NV myself, but I saw a lot of it from my ex getting the platinum trophy in both and as others have said the games were a little rough around the edges on a technical level but that next-gen power of XB1/PS4 to render bigger worlds and finer textures. Is surely going to polish up this franchise like nothing we've seen so far.


                    Yes, we're all winnners, hurrah.

                    You should try some of the DLC, they're great too!
                    Last edited by QualityChimp; 26-11-2013, 15:45.


                      Originally posted by importaku View Post
                      All i remember is new vegas been broke as hell thanks to the stupid faction thing they put in. Tried completing certain faction questlines to get the achievements, had the guide so i was doing everything by the book. Just near the end of the stupid roman faction quest i find it's totally broken all of a sudden everyone has turned on me for no reason & now im unable to go any further. In the end thats what put me off finishing it. All those hours for nothing.
                      Erm. I'm pretty sure you CAN'T do all the factions in one playthrough. That's the whole point, you make a choice who to side with and then you face the consequences of your choice. You cannot be the friend of murdering slavers and the saviour of the people who are against the murdering slavers at the same time. That's common sense really and good RPG design there, not meaningless crap where you can do everything in the game and the choices you make are just superficial that in the end mean nothing because everything is so heavily rail-roaded (Fallout 3 main quest is a good example).

                      As for bugs, Fallout 3 was also buggy as hell, let's not pretend otherwise. Personally, I don't remember having any gamebreaking bugs in New Vegas so that's all subjective I guess.


                        Fallout 3 is ?5.99 with DLC packs at ?1.15 each all week on Xbox Live if anyone missed them.


                          Originally posted by Guts View Post
                          Erm. I'm pretty sure you CAN'T do all the factions in one playthrough. That's the whole point, you make a choice who to side with and then you face the consequences of your choice. You cannot be the friend of murdering slavers and the saviour of the people who are against the murdering slavers at the same time. That's common sense really and good RPG design there, not meaningless crap where you can do everything in the game and the choices you make are just superficial that in the end mean nothing because everything is so heavily rail-roaded (Fallout 3 main quest is a good example).

                          As for bugs, Fallout 3 was also buggy as hell, let's not pretend otherwise. Personally, I don't remember having any gamebreaking bugs in New Vegas so that's all subjective I guess.
                          I wasn't doing every faction quest in one single playthrough, at certain points in the game i split my save file so i could go back later before the main faction choices. Then went down the different paths to complete faction quests then i go back to a previous save to try some of the others, well i would have if the damn thing hadn't bugged out on me & deprived me of finishing it.


                            Sounds weird. Are you sure it wasn't just because how you played the game? There are many variables in NV (a lot more than Fallout 3 which is quite simple in quest design) and doing certain things might make some quests unavailable because the factions will act according to your actions during the game.

                            Originally posted by importaku View Post
                            All those hours for nothing
                            I don't really understand your reasoning. Do you only play games for some arbitrary Achievement points? Didn't you enjoy your time played and if you didn't, why would you play almost through the entire game? Besides, don't you think trying to get Achievements through reloading earlier saves defeats the whole purpose of those achievements?


                              I don't like that annoying roman style faction out of all of them they piss me off the most so, i only went down that questline to get the achievements for completing it and right at the end of the final bit it bugs out & they all turn on me even though i have done everything right, i made sure not to meddle in the other faction questlines so they wouldnt turn on me. Once i had the achievement i intended to go back to my earlier save and do the same with the remaining factions then choose the one i like & save over. And no during the roman faction i didn't really enjoy playing which is why those hours felt wasted, the rest of the game is better but i like completion not having the achievement would bug my OCD, i find the achievements in the fallout games fun to collect with their little amusing pics. It's the same reason i collected nukacola like a fiend & tracked down all the bobbleheads in the previous game i found the collection aspect fun.

                              I have the guide so i know how the factions work against each other but it wasn't something i had done wrong it was just plain broken.


                                Still need to play vegas. Loved 3

