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Nintendo WiiU : Thread 04

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    Super Metroid is very strange, it's probably just because I didn't own any games console until 2011 and games are so different now, but I've never played a game that didn't want me to complete it before. Don't get me wrong I've played games that hate me and just want me to die over and over again (Mega Man *shakes fist*) but this game is just like:

    "So you figured out how to get the Power Bombs? Well good luck figuring out what you need next and where the hell that is! Oh, and here's a great big indestructible fire dragon, enjoy your reverse-tug-o-war to get passed that *******"


      Super metroid is easy bad player and tools etc

      I found the GameCube versions more challenging

      Warioware is a tremendous game


        Technically it's not hard at all, it's just unhelpful, I've hit at least three dead ends, all with the same special tiles in the roof but it's giving me no clues as to where what I'm guessing a hookshot/grappling gun is so I can progress The walljumping is ridiculously fidgety too! It's a good game, I've just been spoiled by all the hand-holding and hints you get in games these days obviously.


          That's why the term Metroidvania exists. Backtracking and stuff is certain.


            Yeah, exploration and making notes of places I couldn't get to yet, what I did when first going through the game. And you're right, it's still from the days of letting you get on with it, but at least you get an in-game map and some better hints compared to original Metroid.
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              Wow, it's been nearly 1 year with no comments about the Wii U!

              I've had no interest in the Wii U at all in-till last weekend when I saw Mario Maker. It looks like a genius game and when I took a cursory glance at the titles that are now available on Wii U, it seriously looks like the best exclusive line up of games on any of the current systems. Exceptional, eccentric, and joyous, it's a really good line up of games. I'm thinking of Mario Maker, Zelda Wind Waker, Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 1 + 2 and Yoshi's Wolly World.

              I'm thinking of buying one or holding on till Christmas as my Wife has told me to wait as that'll be a good present... Will power is failing me though!

              Had a few questions if anyone could be kind enough to answer them?

              Can you buy extra Wii U GamePad's or do they only come with the console?
              If I brought a Pro Controller, is it wireless and does not need to be plugged into anything?
              Does the Wii U need the sensor bar, or is that only if you buy the Wii Nunchuck?
              Is Wii backwards compatibility good and how do Wii games look through HDMI?
              Last edited by Wools; 30-09-2015, 11:31.


                We've all been in thread 5!

                I can only answer a few of your questions. No, it seems you can't buy extra Gamepads. The Wii U comes with the sensor bar and the system can use the Wii controllers for things so I'm not certain if it is essential but it is definitely needed for some games. The backwards compatibility is just fine and Wii games look just okay through HDMI - don't expect any visual improvements.

