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Assassin's Creed V: Unity

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    Assassin's Creed: Unity has launched in the UK and its micro-transaction prices are live, which means we're now able to…

    Just when you thought PR couldn't get any worse for Ubisoft, it certainly has. Cannot believe that they have so called micro transactions that cost up to a staggering ?65. How the hell can this be called "micro" its more than the damn game.

    Obviously its entirely optional but i dont know whats more sad. The fact this kind of thing exists in the game or the fact that there are enough stupid people out there who must buy this kind of thing in order for Ubisoft to put t in the game.

    Whats even more sneaky about it is apparently this was locked out of review copies of the game. I dont know who at Ubisoft is making these kind of decisions but they really are on there way to matching EA for being complete dicks.


      Who knew Parisian adventures of sneaky assassinations could be improved with a few choice bugs and hiccups?

      Almost crying at some of this nightmare inducing stuff!
      There's a vid half way down which is a must watch "Vrroooomm"


        Posted for the sheer ****ing hilarity!



          I wish I had this happen in my play through. That video is better than the entire game.


            It's totally brilliant. You could make an entire game filled with madness like that. Forget realism - with computers you can do so much more than reality!


              Coming November 2015 at a solid 30FPS, Assassins Creed: Karting. PC version will sadly be delayed though.


                News from yesterday, did anyone buy the season pass before it got pulled? nice free game for you if you did.

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