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Worst game story!

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    Originally posted by J0e Musashi
    The best game story is Metal Gear in it's entirety isn't it?

    I agree.


      Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
      The worst game story is Metal Gear in it's entirety isn't it?
      Totally agree it's like a bizarre fan story at times and totally silly, I think Hideo Kojima is just trolling the games industy at times.

      That reminds me Zone of Enders 2, dialog is so bad it makes the story a comedy.

      I'll have you known incest is a hot topic in Japan!
      Yeah they do love there RPG incest story line, Fire Emblem series is full of them.

      Ace Combat series, number 4 having unintended comedy dialog.


        There are a few awesome JRPG's with typical amnesiacs for main characters. For the life of me I can't remember which.


          The Ace Combat games were decent for their time. Japan still didn't care when exporting their native storytelling abroad.

          The way the plots play out in MGS is ridiculous, but even under all that boob-flashing, excessive-grunting silliness there's a critique of the way the world works, the realpolitik and military-industrial complexes. It's pretty clever but MGS4 really took the silliness to a new level. So no, your opinion is invalid
          Last edited by Pulstar; 06-01-2014, 18:45.


            Get proper writers and we won't have **** stories. It's hardly rocket science.


              Metal Gear Solid storyline is so crazy and convoluted that it's actually totally awesome!


                It so ****ing isn't.


                  War economy.


                    Originally posted by Guts View Post
                    Metal Gear Solid storyline is so crazy and convoluted that it's actually totally awesome!
                    Only if awesome means complete ****ing hokum ****flaps.
                    Last edited by Colin; 06-01-2014, 20:14. Reason: Naughty mod........


                      Swear filter for the win Carter.
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        Originally posted by Strider View Post
                        Get proper writers and we won't have **** stories. It's hardly rocket science.
                        Richard K. Morgan penned Crysis 2. Games just require a different kind of writing. Half-Life 2 delivered a rich storyline (even if ridden with plagued cliffhangers) and I don't even know who wrote the lines the NPC's uttered.


                          Half-Life 2 was rich in atmosphere and snippets of back story but not actual story. Old topic that goes into some of that here -

                          For me, there are a ton of poor game stories and many that may have had good story concepts but then got messed up simply by having to be a game. It's not easy to tell stories in game form. Those that do it well are often those that completely embrace the narrative (Walking Dead is wonderful) or those that actually just don't have gameplay that gets in the way allowing the narrative to shine (Silent Hill 2 comes to mind).

                          I had big problems with the Crysis 2 narrative too in terms of story (as with the first one) but what it did right was that the immediate aims were always clear. For a game, that is imperative and matters to the actual playing and so, I reckon, is often more important that just story. To contrast, I felt Halo 3 presented a very rich world and may have had a story there but I didn't notice because I didn't have a clue what I was doing for most of the game.

                          I agree with Strider in getting a writer to write but it's only part of the process when it comes to gaming. If that story can't successfully be woven around the gameplay, the story will likely come across poorly no matter how good the ideas seemed on paper.



                            Brilliant story.

                            Worst ending ever in anything.


                              cant believe professor Layton is in here i loved the curious village it had so much atmosphere and made me play right to the end, i was quite satisfied with how it did end too.

                              Another vote for Metal-Gear the first worked well as it didn't overdo its cut scene stuff and ticked along nicely if anything the story was secondry to the excellent boss fights and cool new mechanics, but from then on he's just gone a bit bat**** crazy with his terrible 80s action movie crap and endless Cut scenes full of confusing dialog, mgs4 begin the worst offender. Saying that i still don't know what happened at the end of two, something about a secret parrot trying to take over the world how very avian.
                              Last edited by Lebowski; 07-01-2014, 09:39.


                                If I'm being totally honest I'd say it's simpler to list the ones with a good story as game stories are near universally awful. Most of the time when a game story is praised its in light of the medium its being told in. Walking Dead works well but thats because of how light the gameplay is and how similar that allows it to be to the series and source storytelling. LoU wouldn't get a second glance in another medium, MGS is obscenely poorly written in many ways bar some excellent twists.

