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Sonic Relaunch

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    Sonic Relaunch

    Sega have just held a "secret" press event in New York to announce their attempt to bring the character back from the brink. The character & supporting cast have been redesigned, and the main hook seems to be a new cartoon launching in Q3.

    A tie-in game is confirmed, at the moment being the third Nintendo-exclusive title, but this is rumoured to be the subject of debate within Sega. What's interesting is that Sega West seem to be running the show here; Sonic Team have been given the boot, and a studio founded by ex-Naughty Dog staff is on development duties.

    It'll probably mean that Sonic will be exploring an "open world" with "RPG elements" such as skill trees and experience points and be "cinematic" with lots and lots of explosions and thrilling camera angles/chases. They'll probably give Sonic a bow to kill enemies with, maybe even a machete. And there'll be stealth sections and survival mechanics. And dialogue trees.

    You heard it here first, folks.


      What's with all those bandages? And haven't they already tried with Sonic 360 and failed miserably (albeit less extreme and more in line with "previous" Sonic styling)? I know that making good 2D platforms looks like a lost art among big Japanese developers, but that's about what they need to do, rather than redesigning stuff.


        Sonic Team getting the boot gives me a sliver of hope.


          Ooh, looks cool and edgy. That always makes things better. They'll have better hair while dropping through the floor into bottomless pits.


            After all the terrible Sonic games it appears it's too much & Knuckles has taken up self harming, seriously how many times does one game series need relaunching.

            I'd be more interested seeing Sega make new IP's than beating the old ones into the ground.


              Just saw the pic now. Why are Sonic's shoes bandaged too?


                He refused to do another game but Sega tied him up & whipped his feet with bamboo canes till he agreed.


                  The art style looks absolutely atrocious.


                    See's announcement... feels apathy

                    Read's some ND devs are behind it... senses hope

                    See's art style...


                      Just saw the trailer (didn't had the strenght of doing it yesterday before going to bed)...really, Skrillex? And the song that accompany this video? It's gonna be fun watching this game take shape.



                        Thankfully Sega have said that this is just a sideline due to the series. The normal modern looking Sonic will still continue in other entries in the main series




                            if the cartoon is good i can see this doing well with kids the style isn't bad, and it makes sense to give them all there own characteristics. I'm ok with a larger knuckles, and tails looks quite good too. My kids love sonic as a character and have toys and clothing items as do his classmates, so among younger kids sonic is still a thing, if they do the cartoon right i can see merchandising making more than the game.

                            looking at the above Vid the game seems to be a fast paced Jack and Daxter which is no bad thing, can they get the controls right and can they do their Characters justice, I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt if its former Naughty Dog people working on this.


                              Can't the oldish d00d just retire gracefully like most people. Guess there trying to hook new kids and tweenies with the dubstep and stuff, it's another car crash waiting to happen, and as others have said how many reboots till they let him die for good?

