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Should MS have ditched the 360?

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    there has never been a better time to have a 360, since the xbox one launch prices on preowned 360 games have hit the floor. Along with the recent games on demand sale I`ve picked up Red Dead Redemption, HomeFront, Deus Ex and Bioshock 2 for under ?10.00 the lot.
    It a great time to play catch whilst waiting for the next gen games to arrive.


      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
      I thought it was average at best and didn't really look that great and the less said about PDZ the better . PGR 3 was the game that tried to show off some of the 360 power
      Well, not every game can be a masterpiece of game design like Ryse or Fighter Within.


        I never said Fifa was not improved. However it's a marginal step up in all terms, not a new console worth of improvements
        Sorry compared to what Fifa and Madden was like on the 360 1st time (and they weren't even launch titles ) Fifa on the XBox 1 and PS4 are a massive step up, above that of the 360 and PS3 versions . Christ it took Konami and EA a few years to get the likes of Pro and Fifa to look and play good last gen, EA have nailed it for launch, That is a big diff to what's gone before .

        Pretty much the entire community was disappointed with the so called next gen visuals.
        Are these the communities that either don't own the new systems (but have the most to say on them) or the ones that are bored with modern gaming and what to bitch at anything to do with the next gen ?

        Well, not every game can be a masterpiece of game design like Ryse or Fighter Within
        Ryse is a very nice and well made game , If you ever bother to play it


          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
          Ryse is a very nice and well made game , If you ever bother to play it
          I won't, because I have infinite times better use for over €500 than to play some mediocre hack n' slash where QTEs will play themselves regardless what button you press.

          But hey, I get you have to defend your purchase of Xbox One in every thread where someone dares to point out that the lauch has been a bit s***, after all, we all know the story about the emperor's new clothes.
          Last edited by Guts; 15-03-2014, 22:23.


            Well this past year or so I have been playing my Xbox 360 less and less, mostly because of the ****ty way MS have been going with the dashboard adverts and Kinnect. So I have been spending more time on the PC. I think I will just not bother to renew Gold this year and that will be me fully moved away from the Xbox 360. We have a household PS4 so I can easily play on that to experience the next gen. I have no interest in the Bone.


              Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
              Are these the communities that either don't own the new systems (but have the most to say on them) or the ones that are bored with modern gaming and what to bitch at anything to do with the next gen ?
              That's a pretty harsh generalisation of people who happen to disagree with your assessment. The GPU I added to my PC (for considerably less than the asking price of either next gen system) can easily keep up with them and I play plenty of modern titles. I don't have a problem with modern gaming but I do think what's on the next gen systems represent the dregs what's out there to play these days.


                The GPU I added to my PC (for considerably less than the asking price of either next gen system) can easily keep up with them and I play plenty of modern titles. I don't have a problem with modern gaming
                Like that's new ? The GPU I added to my old PC wiped the floor with the XBox and DC and the Xbox and DC ports of PC games all came 2nd best in the GFX, but it didn't matter because if you're a console gamer you tend not to bother with the PC gaming side of things, I've never seen why people compare the both , when one is a console and the other a PC . I mean, I have a i7 3.50 Ghz PC with 16 gigs of Ram and a AMD Rad 7900 card by will play games far more on the 360 and PS3 than I would the PC and since having the XBox and PS4 have played very little of the 360 or PS3 ; easy of use and the standard closed format of the console always wins out for me .

                That's a pretty harsh generalisation of people who happen to disagree with your assessment
                You'll see on this board that the people with the most to say either: don't own the hardware or games in question (or sometimes both) . Its just the same old bandwagon where its far better and more fun to knock gaming, than praise it , its a common trend with games too like we see with COD or Res

                I won't, because I have infinite times better use for over €500 than to play some mediocre hack n' slash where QTEs will play themselves regardless what button you press
                Youtube told you ?. Ryse is a rather decent game and a nice launch game and btw its not a QTE game at all

                I get you have to defend your purchase of Xbox One in every thread where someone dares to point out that the lauch has been a bit s***, after all
                I have no problems with people finding fault with the launch if they're owned and bought the systems , then their faults and issues are valid , or it could be like you say ..

                *There're massive double-standards regarding XBox launches . XBox launch games are expected to be some work of God so they get nit-picked and criticized a lot easier and for every little thing, where as other console launches often have massive flaws that are completely ignored in the reviews. When it's a XBox console , suddenly it's a whole different ball game

                *Fanboy mode


                  But why would I buy an expensive console when all the games are boring to me? That means the launch has been unsuccessful to me.

                  And please, I'm not a fanboy of Nintendo or Sony, like you cleverly want to imply by modifying my quotes from the 3DS thread. I've been playing mainly on Xbox platforms since the original came out and the 360 has been my main console last gen and most of my games are 360 titles. PS4 launch has been equally bad games-wise, but at least they have the cheaper machine with more power going for them.


                    Originally posted by concretesnail View Post
                    I hope they don't kill off the 360. I have just brought a xbone but unless there is a backward compatible option at some date (online emu or whatever) I want to be able to play games that I have on the 360 online. I was grossly disappointed when they shut down the live support for the xbox, as I love sf3 and having the online mode was bliss. As was chaos theory coop. I sure that everyone has a game or two that they love which they'd go back to or be disappointed of they lost part of the game. I sure there is a way for 360 to be emulated using the cloud and I'm sure that if existing players could keep their collections without the need to have old machines they'd be more likely too grate to the newer unit, saving the ms a load of money on hardware production.
                    I think their reason for shutting down the Xbox's liven service was so that they could make changes so that they could future proof Live in general. I expect it will run on the 360 as long as the XB1 is up and running. Could be wrong. If I am wrong, it's very poor show.


                      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                      You'll see on this board that the people with the most to say either: don't own the hardware or games in question (or sometimes both) .
                      In reality, this is usually more a law of averages thing than a bandwagon thing. A very large number of people don't yet own the hardware or games so if you have someone vocal, yes, there's a good chance they belong in that group. That's just the likelihood playing out.

                      But even that aside, the 'bandwagon' argument so rarely holds water. Usually it's a simple indication that some people feel one way more than others and the 'bandwagon' claim is defensiveness and nothing more. Like when hating on Bush was a bandwagon rather than, you know, him actually being a dick. Or hating Jar-Jar Binks was a bandwagon. It's just defensiveness from the unpopular minority. Of course it should be noted that being in the minority does not make you wrong, no more than being in the majority means you're on a bandwagon...


                        But why would I buy an expensive console when all the games are boring to me
                        Every console at launch is expensive , that's a given (so it a lack of AAA games) So why you're bashing the XBox one or PS4 is beyond me , when it's been an issues with almost every console launch . Also here's no issues with people saying there's nothing of note or that they fancy on the new systems , but when you're calling games out to be crap based on nothing more than internet say so you then start to lose merit . Fine if you don't like that style of gameplay , but don't make out a game is crap or ****, if you never played/owned it . Ryse isn't a bad game (it really isn't) and it does what any launch title should do : Plays ok and shows off what the new Hardware can do that its predecessor couldn't handle in GFX and sound terms

                        I've been playing mainly on Xbox platforms since the original came out and the 360 has been my main console last gen and most of my games are 360 titles
                        And the 360 had much the same issues as the XBox One : Not a truly amazing launch line up and a long wait till the games that showed off the Hardware started to ship and lets not even try and kid ourselves you don't have a soft spot for Nintendo


                          Please don't tar me with your bull****,TA. I rarely get involved in any next gen debates because I haven't played enough of the machines. Plus despite not standing MS,I have repeatedly stated the One is the better choice for games so far and how fun games like Infamous and Titanfall look.

                          Simple fact is, I love football and football games and Fifa 14 is not much better to warrant a new machine. The majority of the Fifa community I spoke about are on Twitter via large sites and all said the visuals are not he next gen they were hoping for.

                          World Cup game is coming too. It has more visuals and gameplay enhancements to push it closer to next gen. Myself and all of my friends are happy with that until at least Fifa15.


                            Simple fact is, I love football and football games and Fifa 14 is not much better to warrant a new machine. The majority of the Fifa community
                            You not the only one and I doubt any football game on its own is enough to warrant buying a new system far (maybe the Amiga with Sensible World Of Soccer is an exception ) . That isn't the point , the point is Fifa 14 isn't just a simple tarted up version done on the quick , but a vast improvement visually and sonically for those that own the new next gen systems and since you such a fan of the World Cup and all that: Lets remember EA ****ty FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup on the XBox 360 at launch .

                            So sorry compared to what EA and FIFA did for the launch of the old 360 , Fifa 14 is leagues ahead and making far better use of the new systems power to what EA did at the start of the 360 with regards to FIFA and most of its Sports games (bar FN 3) and I bet EA will push the engine to amazing new heights more years down the line


                              Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                              Like that's new ? The GPU I added to my old PC wiped the floor with the XBox and DC and the Xbox and DC ports of PC games all came 2nd best in the GFX, but it didn't matter because if you're a console gamer you tend not to bother with the PC gaming side of things, I've never seen why people compare the both , when one is a console and the other a PC . I mean, I have a i7 3.50 Ghz PC with 16 gigs of Ram and a AMD Rad 7900 card by will play games far more on the 360 and PS3 than I would the PC and since having the XBox and PS4 have played very little of the 360 or PS3 ; easy of use and the standard closed format of the console always wins out for me .
                              I only mentioned it so that you would understand that I don't have a problem with modern gaming.

                              You implied my dislike of the console lineups was because I don't like modern gaming, this fact was merely to demonstrate that isn't the case. The one part of my post that was the whole point is the one part you didn't quote - I like modern gaming, but I don't like the XBOne's lineup currently.
                              Last edited by Duncan James Waugh; 16-03-2014, 13:03.


                                Originally posted by Duncan James Waugh View Post
                                I only mentioned it so that you would understand that I don't have a problem with modern gaming.

                                You implied my dislike of the console lineups was because I don't like modern gaming, this fact was merely to demonstrate that isn't the case. The one part of my post that was the whole point is the one part you didn't quote - I like modern gaming, but I don't like the XBOne's lineup currently.
                                I didn't imply you directly and also making the point that since the dawn of the 3DFX Card consoles have in main played host to PC ports that either lose out in graphics , screen res or frame rate . If you don't like the line up that's fair enough

