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General E3 Discussion: E3 2014

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    General E3 Discussion: E3 2014

    Yep, it's time. It might still feel a way off before the media circus begins for another E3 but it's quickly approaching. Companies are beginning to confirm release dates for the second half of the year and potential leaks are starting to come out of what we can expect to see.

    So before the fun is spoiled for us by 'industry insiders' it's time to take a moment and wonder what delights await. With the handhelds approaching their midlifes and the new generation of consoles on the market, this is the first E3 in years that won't be dominated by hardware announcement hopes, instead it should be very software focused as each of the big 3 aims to get a tighter grip on the next gen market.

    What do you expect to be announced at E3 and what do you simply hope will be shown?
    Last edited by Neon Ignition; 29-04-2014, 16:50.

    I'd be disappointed if Project Morpheus didn't make an appearance and it'd be great if there was another demo on top of the shark attack one.

    I'm not really bothered about PS4 and XBox One as I have so many PS3/360 games to play, but I hope that there's a raftload of new games announced to end the current trickle.

    I also hope WiiU Minecraft is announced with added Mario textures so you can play randomly generated 3D levels.
    Heck, I just hope there's a load of killer titles for WiiU as I don't want this gen to be a two horse race right from the start.


      This E3 will be the year of Next gen reboots, Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Tomb Raider, Halo, Gears of war, uncharted, Batman ect we allready know about.

      I'd like to see other ip's that we haven't played for a while rebooted, Burnout a single player battlefield game more in keeping with the first Bad Company as the banter and the three kings style gold heist was great fun, and a new Bulletstorm would be great too.

      Most of all id like someone to make a decent Adventure Time game, that cartoon has such a rich and interesting game world they really could do a great deal with it, something along the lines of south park that pays homage to the show and lets you explore the post apocalyptic land of ooo would be awesome, but that's never gonna happen were just gonna keep getting crap like Adventure Time lets explore the dungeon so why not.


        I'm excited about this E3 being a heavily software focused one. I'm keen to see some games with proper next gen graphics, and also I'm really hoping to see Zelda for Wii U.

        Oh and Ridge Racer 8. (lol)


          Sony to announce The Last Guardian's PS3 release date.


            Demon Souls 2 for PS4 that will do me fine.


              New Zelda and X please. All I want.


                Anything new for WiiU would be welcomed as I fear they wont give us anything new or exciting we dont know about (other than new Yoshi and princess wii remotes)


                  Ridge Racer 8 and Demon's Souls 2 for PS4, and some kind of add-on for Vita, that allows for dual triggers. That'd do me nicely.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    Any chance of seeing some EDF for PS4?
                    It's been announced, but that's all.


                      As it's effectively a yearly franchise now my target is firmly set on Forza Horizon 2. Could be epic and the first 2nd Half 2014 Exclusive worthwhile

                      Also closely monitoring 3DS and WiiU reveals. Both currently have little I care about due so Ninty needs to make an effort for once or its time for low turn out systems to go. Not bothered if Zelda shows up though as it's been a decade since they did one I considered great, rather see other franchises get a deserved dusting off.


                        Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                        Sony to announce The Last Guardian's PS3 release date.
                        That's a PlayStation five launch game Shirley!!!

                        if we see it before the end of the century i will be surprised


                          Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                          if we see it i will be surprised
                          Corrected for you.


                            For Xbox it sounds like Forza Horizon 2 and Halo 2 Remake are all but confirmed. I'm sure they'll be joined by a few more new exclusives, possibly Crackdown 3?

                            I'm also expecting they'll announce the Games with Gold offerings on the new console with most likely Ryse being free for the month of June. I'd also be hoping Phil Spencer really delivers on all fronts and makes last years Mattrick implosion a bad memory. He seems like the right guy for the job... Lastly on the MS front I'd love to see a lot of apps / functionality moved outside of the XBL pay wall.

                            For Sony, I'm sure we will see more Playstation Now, maybe some VR demos and a lot of the Last of Us and a glimpse of Uncharted.

                            Most of all though I really want to see Star Wars Battlefront. I've got a bad taste from BF4 but cannot deny it's the one game I've wanted for years and if I had to choose I'd want it running Frostbite, just as bug free as possible!


                              Wish list rather than a prediction...

                              Ninty : I want a Metroid Prime and a Mario Galaxy and a surprise that I'm interested in!
                              Sony : Last Guardian, Demon's Souls 2, new Socom (yeah, I know this won't happen), Something from Quantic dream

