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Gender Inequality in Vid Games industry

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    Gender Inequality in Vid Games industry

    Content warning: This post contains graphic language, slurs and triggering content "Women are the niggers of gender," the email said. "If you killed yourself, I wouldn’t even fuck the corpse." I...

    Read this and post your thoughts.

    Me personally, none of it surprises me. You just need to go on Youtube to see how F'ed up some people are when it comes to women. Its really horrible to read how it spills out from cyber space into the real world like getting harassed 1 on 1 and stuff.

    How can we change this though? Not sure I believe in positive discrimination yet its amazing women have grown up with this crap and still enter the games industry.

    I'm getting pretty bored of all this stuff honestly. I don't think it even matters that the domain is video games, though unfortunately for us it can be deemed the realm of idiots.

    I might be old fashioned in thinking anything threatened on the internet should be totally ignored and I guess not everyone can share that mentality. You have to wonder though, if she was being harassed on Tumblr wouldn't you just stop using Tumblr? Granted you shouldn't need to, but that is the solution, among other things.


      The amount of homophobia, racism, sexism and general hatred on You Tube is startling.


        Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
        I'm getting pretty bored of all this stuff honestly. I don't think it even matters that the domain is video games, though unfortunately for us it can be deemed the realm of idiots.

        I might be old fashioned in thinking anything threatened on the internet should be totally ignored and I guess not everyone can share that mentality. You have to wonder though, if she was being harassed on Tumblr wouldn't you just stop using Tumblr? Granted you shouldn't need to, but that is the solution, among other things.
        I take it you dident read the article

        "Brianna Wu I lead a development studio that makes games"
        "Women are the niggers of gender," the email said. "If you killed yourself, I wouldn’t even **** the corpse."
        Later that day, someone texted me my address — telling me they’d "See me when I least expected it."
        yeah maybe she should stop using her phone or email then she wouldn't get harassed thats a good way to run a studio
        Last edited by Lebowski; 24-07-2014, 14:19.


          Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
          I might be old fashioned in thinking anything threatened on the internet should be totally ignored
          Unfortunately, that's just not an option anymore. Just to use basic services these days, people have a pretty clear digital footprint.

          Plus, it's unrealistic to say "just don't do that". That's the kind of thinking that suggests young women shouldn't go out the house after 6pm, never go near an urban center and never wear a skirt shorter than ankle-length.


            I wonder if the abusive lowlifes in that article would have the balls to try their **** on with Anna Anthropy?


              Polygen(RPS, Kotaku) is a hive of "special flowers" ****ting out opinion pieces like its fact and painting bad picture with a broad bush for gamers due a few bad apples, riled up by said opinion pieces.

              neogaf has this kind of ****ty baiting threads every day where having a disagreeable opinion that is reasonable is squashed under reporting system the of few loud mouths back slappers and there followers.

              As a forum of older posters can we please keep this kind **** off it, as I believable every few of us fall under the bad apple tree here or care about what a few teenagers on 4chan are saying to "trigger" various tumbler campaigners into "PTSD" or go on long, long rants about boob armour in games I don't play because I saw some promotional art about it.


                Lets face it, most comments sections on most things now degrade in to total cess pools in hours. I don't understand why people think its acceptable to speak to other human beings like that. One things for sure though, they are all very big and brave when they think their anonymous.
                Last edited by fishbowlhead; 24-07-2014, 16:39.


                  I'd rather read nice things like this:


                    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                    I'd rather read nice things like this:
                    90's dwayn Johnson is possibly the coolest thing ever. I sincerely mean that.


                      I love the fact he Tweeted it himself and added #BuffLesbian


                        This is pretty much my thoughts. Yeah we get it there are some idiots abound and most of us in the positions to say something would. Being told about it for the umpteenth time does very little but stir up another hornets nest of exactly the idiots who shut down the comments section on the article. In my mind there are still idiots on both sides of this coin and as you say special snowflakes who like to amplify issues from a slight to full blown offense. I somehow feel this has more to do with being a front facing representative of the industry than being a normal dev. Of course some people will be embittered and try any abuse they can to get a rise so in fact they are giving them what they want.

                        Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                        Polygen(RPS, Kotaku) is a hive of "special flowers" ****ting out opinion pieces like its fact and painting bad picture with a broad bush for gamers due a few bad apples, riled up by said opinion pieces.

                        neogaf has this kind of ****ty baiting threads every day where having a disagreeable opinion that is reasonable is squashed under reporting system the of few loud mouths back slappers and there followers.

                        As a forum of older posters can we please keep this kind **** off it, as I believable every few of us fall under the bad apple tree here or care about what a few teenagers on 4chan are saying to "trigger" various tumbler campaigners into "PTSD" or go on long, long rants about boob armour in games I don't play because I saw some promotional art about it.


                          The only way to stop that kind of behaviour online would be to have some form of accountability, to use online gaming functions or comment sections on websites you have one digital id if you lose it because you broke the rules then tough luck you can't ever get another. No more posting or online gaming for you, this would be probably harsh enough to make most people think before they post hateful bile online.

                          Sort of like an online passport, you can only ever get the one. Although this is not how i'd like things to go as it means giving one huge perk of been online & that's anonimity (to a certain extent) plus it would be astronomical to implement. The easier option would be for people not to be total dicks when they connect online.


                            It happens in all aspects of life, not just the gaming industry. Some men are c***s, as are some women. Its not right but its a part of life unfortunately.

                            Maybe if sex wasn't so glamourized in everyday life then women wouldn't brainwashed into dressing like whores & some men wouldn't be treating like whores.
                            There's so many reasons why this is happening, not just that 'men just don't understand women' or feel threatened by a woman's opinion


                              Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                              As a forum of older posters can we please keep this kind **** off it,
                              Does it bother you that much? Gaming has grown significantly as a medium. This kind of introspection is a symptom of that, and is a good thing, not a bad one.

                              I'm very much in the camp that wants to see this posted about regularly on the gaming blogs, over and over again, purely because there are many people who want it to "just go away", because it makes them uncomfortable or they don't care about it (often with the luxury of not caring because it doesn't affect them). It needs to stay contemporary because that's in theory how the problem eventually gets fixed.

                              Charlie Brooker put it well - "there are still too many games where you play a main character with a gun, a dick, and ****-all else of interest".

                              Originally posted by FelixofMars View Post
                              Yeah we get it there are some idiots abound
                              This response though isn't an "end" to the debate. Many people say things like "well, not everyone's like that" or "not all men are like that" but that isn't the point. We all know that not all men are genuine misogynists, posting hate on Twitter, and there's no "conspiracy" in the industry to keep women down, but that's like saying "it's OK if a woman gets sexually harassed in one job; there are dozens of jobs where that doesn't happen". The fact of the matter is that women are given a lot of **** in gaming purely for being female, and there definitely is a bias that men are judged for their work, whereas women can be judged for their appearance.
                              Last edited by Asura; 25-07-2014, 06:50.

