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The Next Tomb Raider is Xbox One Exclusive

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    Originally posted by Brad View Post
    End of the day, MS are just doing what they think they need to in order to remain competitive. Not got an Xbox One? Play something else. 10 pages discussing this is 9 pages too many lol.
    Hits the nail on the head. Why wouldn't a company do this? Deals like this help sales, sales matter.


      Remember that the 360/PS3 probably had the most cross-platform games (in terms of proportion to exclusives) of any generation so far, and those machines came out NINE YEARS ago
      360 had plenty of timed exclusives by MS . Ninja Gaiden2 , Lost Planet , Lost Planet 2 for example . I'm sure Bioshock was a timed exclusive on the 360 too


        Going back to Tomb Raider.

        I would like to see a real franchise reboot, not an Uncharted reboot, but a proper, slow building exploration based game. It would practically be true survival horror with puzzle based gameplay and a smattering of action and some epic bosses.

        Would be the best thing ever.

        Sadly, people don't want gameplay anymore, they want interactive movies with cookie cutter action. It's all awesome though, no matter.


          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
          a proper, slow building
          That's sadly where you'd lose people.


            Yep. Popcorn gaming is here to stay.


              But is it though? The re-emergence of the survival horror genre on next gen and the popularity of it is for sure making a come back. I mean, I was watching gamers on twitch spend 5 HOURS on the last section of the Silent Hill teaser. If people just wanted popcorn gaming, then why was P.T so popular and why is the survival horror genre, known for it's slow build up of game play and less movie action, being made by more and more devs for next gen?


                To be fair, current gen gamers have nothing else to play!

                Joking aside, hope you're right.


                  Originally posted by Brad View Post
                  Why is there this inequality? Why can Sony do no wrong whereas ms are evil? Why are we at this position?
                  This is a really good question, Brad.

                  Is it because they lost so much consumer faith after E3?
                  Is it because it's always been cool to hate Microsoft?
                  Is it because PS4 owners are being denied a game they really want?

                  It's all a bit silly really, when you consider it's just a game, people move on after it's been out a month and it'll eventually come to PS4 anyway.

                  Some of the reactions that Kotaku have collated are ridiculous.

                  Get a grip, internet!

                  Swearing ahoy:


                    Reading some of those comments I had to chortle at 'I own a PS4 you see and now my life is super hard'. Because a game is initially releasing exclusively for Microsoft platforms for a set amount of time? I think you need to go for a walk and enjoy life again. Such huge overreactions to a straightforward business agreement in the games industry.

                    What shocking issue will outraged gamers vent their frustrations about next? Stay tuned to the internet to find out.

                    As long as it comes to all major platforms eventually there's no real issue here. Unless first-world problems are taken seriously nowadays.


                      Originally posted by Paddy View Post
                      What shocking issue will outraged gamers vent their frustrations about next? Stay tuned to the internet to find out.
                      Thing is, it gets me down sometimes how people love a scandal so much.

                      You can see this online regularly; a new game will come out, and a site will post a positive video review. Following that, some YouTube personality will post a comedy "scathing" review where they talk about their OUTRAGE that the game has DLC from launch, or something, and that video will soon have 100x the views of the positive review, to the point where all the internet hive consciousness remembers about Game X is it was "that ****ty game that so-and-so didn't like".

                      It's reached the point where I start to think that people drum up negativity that doesn't really need to exist, because we've seen that out of the Mass Effect fiasco (and similar gaming outrages) people have emerged as famous on YouTube for being a key part of conveying the negativity, and we're now at that point where being "YouTube Famous" can actually be lucrative - financially.

                      This, naturally, is how the rest of the world works - sport, celebrity, politics - but I hate that gaming has become this way too. Magazines and sites about gaming back in the heyday of CVG, mags like MAXIMUM, used to be really positive.


                        Originally posted by Asura View Post
                        It's reached the point where I start to think that people drum up negativity that doesn't really need to exist, because we've seen that out of the Mass Effect fiasco (and similar gaming outrages) people have emerged as famous on YouTube for being a key part of conveying the negativity, and we're now at that point where being "YouTube Famous" can actually be lucrative - financially.
                        I don't think it extends to just Youtube, the games websites must see that certain articles that appeal to a certain kind go person and convey a certain narrative are bringing in huge hits for them.

