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Anyone seen this in the shops?

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    I've not read mine yet. Thanks guys.


      Originally posted by Afterbirth
      I've not read mine yet.
      Oh, you probably have...


        Well got it today.. Haven?t read it yet.

        After flicking on the bus I wondered if there will be another Retro issue with the consoles they didn?t mention like Spectrum, Atari, Master System, 3DO and CDI, which along with some handhelds like WonderSwan, NeoGeo Pocket Color, VirtualBoy (kind of handheld) and GameBoy would fill another issue.

        Also if the Saturn is in there (Which I don?t really see as a "retro" consol) why not the Play Station or N64?

        Oh well?. Seems ok even though it?s just reprinted articles.


          Overall I was very disappointed by it.

          Two new articles Famicom and Amiga, all the rest are re prints.

          Theres a small price guide at the back for system hardware.

          If you havnt read Edge for the last year it`ll be interesting, if so, stand in smiths for 10 minutes to read the other articles.


            Originally posted by Jakeway
            Also if the Saturn is in there (Which I don?t really see as a "retro" consol) why not the Play Station or N64?
            Probably because the PS1 and N64 were commerical successes, whereas the Saturn wasn't. The former two consoles were also still around in the market until recent years (in fact most stores still sell PS1 consoles and games) whereas the Saturn was dead by the end of 1998 (outside of Japan that is, and considering Edge is targetted at the UK/European games market, esentially that was when the Saturn died for their readership).

            I saw the original issue of Retro in the newsagents when it came out - how I wish I had picked up a copy...


              I've seen this in the shops, but will not buy it.

              I can't believe Edge would insult its readers by recycling articles from issues they probably already own and then have nerve to charge them ?5 for it!

              I like the mag, but they have been doing a lot of idiotic things lately.

              The embarrasssing 'Top 10s' feature in their anniversary issue springs to mind, what with them picking a group of games (seemingly at random) and holding them up as 'all time greats' (Gigawing???) only to then backpedal in the following issue by telling an aggreived reader that the selection was just a list of Edge office favourites.

              Yes, I'm sure they were playing Rogue on UNIX network machines right up until the time they jumped ship.

              This cynical Retro issue is just one more blunder. I cannot believe Edge expects it readers to part with ?5 for two two new articles and some pixel art.

