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A source of unlimited streetpasses at home using using a raspberry pi

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    I only did the puzzle pieces when I was bothered with streetpassing. That adventure thing just takes too long when you're getting 10 every time you go back to your DS menu when you're at events in London.

    This sounds more like a curse to me in terms of time consumed!


      If you have all 6 games like I do (on two different consoles) then yes, it is pretty damn time consuming. I've stopped playing Streetpass Shooting altogether, but the others I like. Streetpass Conquest I just get the troops and quit.


        I figured the hats & tickets out lol but the tickets are getting a LOT harder to get, have noticed that thanks to the relay im pulling the same people through in batches for maybe an hour i'll get the same people which means they all level up each time so the games get a lot easier like the streetpass quest. Trying hard to get another ticket to get the DS hat before the hat selection changes tomorrow.


          Streetpass shooting is the easiest, just finish a level.


            Just need 6 more people from Japan to pass through and i'll have completed all the streetpass puzzles, curse those Japan only puzzles as about 90% of the people that venture onto my 3DS are from USA/Canada making getting the bits a lot harder but nearly there.


              Still annoys me the Darumeshi Sports-ten picture isn't cross-region compatible.


                After what they did to it for the American version im kind of glad that they don't mix. The whole blonde hair & blue eyes racist stereotype gets on my nerves.


                  My spillpass works fine for Mii Plaza but it's not picking up passes for the UK version of Bravely Default.


                    Seems to be the way with the spillpass relay, it's all down to luck some of my games get loads of passes & some rarely get any.

                    Darumeshi sports ten always gets crazy amounts along with new super mario bros 2 & super mario 3D land. Noticed a lot of kid icarus gem passes too recently, however on the other side my copies of dangerous jiisan & crayon shin chan only have had one hit each so far with all those millions of 3DS owners it's crazy to think that certain games only have a few passes. Although wthout a relay i'd never get the chance to try out the streetpass data features of the games i have so i'm glad at what comes in.


                      Spent the best part of this morning upgrading, wanted to add a screen so i didn't need it hooked upto a monitor it's now a self contained relay with added buttons to act as a power switch.

                      Button switches and connectors soldered in, spillpass disk image updated with the screen & touchscreen kernel modules from adafruit. Next task is configuring it so it runs from the desktop so i can add a streetpass animation each time the next cycle becomes active.

                      Looks pretty good now.

