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Street Fighter V (PS4/PC exclusive)

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    Capcom has just confirmed at EVO that Street Fighter V will ship with 16 characters selectable, and reconfirmed that all updates and balances etc will be free rather than releasing Super/Ultra etc editions later on. New fighters will be continuously added as DLC over time however dedicated players will be able to unlock the DLC characters for free via play rather than having to stump up cash.

    Last edited by Neon Ignition; 18-07-2015, 22:14.


      I bet the requirements required to unlock charterers will be super tough.


        Tough or (play)time related. Could be either.


          Originally posted by wargame View Post
          I bet the requirements required to unlock charterers will be super tough.
          I expect so but still a very positive move compared to before. I think Tekken Tag 2 on the last gen was the only fighter that added characters, stages and balance updates for free.


            Personally I'd rather just pay. The "play" option is going to backfire on them because I'm convinced the only people who care enough about Street Fighter are pretty core players who would play it enough to get those extra characters for free - unless they raise the values required to daft levels.

            Basically, I see the "it's OK, you can unlock them through play" as disingenuous because they'll want people to pay.

            Thing is, I don't mind paying for DLC like characters.


              Hopefully there's plenty stages as DLC too, Capcom are often skimpy on that


                I hope you can unlock with offline too i.e. "Arcade Mode" like Tekken 3 unlocked fighters. I really don't like/bother with online play, it's the worst part of SSF4 (or any game other than Splatoon)


                  So like vanilla SF4 then. Which everyone whinged about. But now, you don't have to whinge because you can pay your frustrations away!


                    I actually really really like having to play to unlock stuff with marvel vs capcom 2 that was something i enjoyed and building up the roster.

                    I think with V will be like what happened with 4 and Streetfighter x tekken, will the see the game change quite a bit as it continues to be worked on i really like the feeling of impact the game has so far.

                    Does feel weird PC getting all these fighting games though what with sf4 and 5 /dead or alive/MKX/Blazblue/SfXt/ and later on killer instinct, 10 years ago i would never imagine that happening


                      Me and my friend play all our fighting game meets ups on PC, most of the stuff we want to play there after all. He's even selling his 360 to me soon so PC will be all he has.

                      Steam is great.


                        Yeah and the fact that ps4/3 sticks and pads will work with pc and same with xbox one/360 pads and sticks


                          Seems that new character wasn't Honda after all, but someone new.


                            I would never have guessed.


                              His name is Necalli:


                                So he's Wolverine?

                                He seems to have the Beserker Barrage, something resembling the Tornado Claw and a powered up state similar to the Beserker Charge.

