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Playstation 4: Thread 04

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    It just kept looking for the server forever, so I just need remove the network cable for it to work?


      That worked for Gran Turismo 5 before release.


        It has Plex on it. @danholo


          Having heard people rave about Plex, and not really knowing too much about it. I was excited to discover ps4 has now got a Plex app...this excitement quickly turned to disappointment when I discovered it requires a subscription to run. ?4.99 per month I think!


            Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
            It does work, I was playing Dragon age offline earlier.
            Yeah, I got it to start by unchecking the 'Connect to Internet' option in the Network settings.


              Hear the Internet PSN etc is back for PS4 and XBox One today is that right? Hoping to smash some Drive Club etc and go get some Digital games to D/L. Plus my PS4 beeps like a crying baby when not connected to the Internet and I shut it down.


                I'm struggling to download patches at the moment for DriveClub and The Golf Club so I don't think it's running at 100% yet.


                  Drive Club COD AW are working, but PSN Store is down. I suggest trying your game and it might work, even Netflix is working fine.


                    The PSN is the last thing I need to do to set my PS4 up, as long as i can play some of the games I'm fine with that


                      I could go online earlier this morning, wasn't home the last few days though.


                        Yep, I can sign into PSN but both U.S and UK PSN stores are down. It keeps booting me out and giving me error codes.


                          all down again, bravo Sony.


                            It's amazing during this period of bashing the system (and I'm not usually backward about putting the boot in myself) that right now I'm feeling a ton of love toward what had been an expensive ornament in my house. Between the eye opening huge gaming world of GTA V, and the frankly stunning looking Driveclub which I started on today, I'm as happy as a pig in the proverbial. Of course, my gaming happiness isn't affected by not being able to play online as it's something I couldn't give a **** about. Makes a change NOT to be irked by modern gaming but blown away by it.


                              That's modern gaming. Mostly hateful but occasionally it reminds how good it can be. GTAV is a prime example.


                                Originally posted by Tobal View Post
                                all down again, bravo Sony.
                                Slow clap for Sony. Yes seems PSN was working at 14:00 and then about 18:00 when I got home PSN is down "Game over man, game over". Nightmare really.

                                Some Tweets from Sony:

                                @AskPlayStation: We're aware that some users are experiencing sign-in issues on PS4 and PS3; engineers are investigating the cause.

                                @AskPlayStation: Our engineers are continuing to work hard to resolve the network issues users have experienced today

                                @AskPlayStation: There is no ETA yet, we will keep you posted. Thank you for your patience.

                                Was gonna Tweet and remind them we pay for this, broken service but could not be bothered. I have x2 Games I bought Digitally over Christmas waiting to Download, and was hoping to do overnight. Guess that's out the window. Feel sorry for the people who got PS4s for Christmas.
                                Last edited by JU!; 27-12-2014, 20:56.

