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Borderlands: The Handsome Collection

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    Given the talk in the relationship thread it'd just be pics of fammy.

    I'm playing Borderlands 2 atm on pc. Not bad really, but a very very empty game. I feel like it's a poor mans Rage.


      Just downloaded this as it is currently ?24.99 on PSN. Bizarrely just over ?30 on Xbox One. Currently setting up characters on PS3 to transfer to PS4. Have a Krieg in Sanctuary and Zero in Liars Berg. Only had the Pre-Sequel on 360.


        Originally posted by Bassman View Post
        Just downloaded this as it is currently ?24.99 on PSN. Bizarrely just over ?30 on Xbox One. Currently setting up characters on PS3 to transfer to PS4. Have a Krieg in Sanctuary and Zero in Liars Berg. Only had the Pre-Sequel on 360.
        I ended up really enjoying Borderlands 2. The Krieg was easily the most powerful class based on how much damage he'd do to the raid bosses.


          Getting this on the PS4 has started me playing the games again. Only got a Level 7 Claptrap on the Pre-Sequel so far. Using I have a ridiculous amount of Gold Keys to use between the games. Wanting an easy ride I have so far started BL2 with Level 31 characters and a full quota of Eridium. Yet to have a Gaige at that level... that is tomorrow! Have a Level 72 Maya in The Winged Serpant on Normal for anyone who needs Eridium and Gaige (72) has access to the Normal Bar Room Brawl for Torgue Tokens. I'll probably leave a Level 72 Maya on the Cross-Save so that I can download her for Level 72 equipment if anyone needs it!

          Used those two 72's on PS3 for the Level 31's. Managed to get them reasonable equipment at Level 30 and I bought Maya a Level 30 DPUH (arguably the best Unkempt Harold). One of the others has a Level 30 Kerblaster!

