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    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
    Trust you to make an argument with a game that wasn't even released.
    No argument as such just saying that with out the Saturn slump and the rush for the DC. Shenmue would have been doing most of what it did on the Saturn in 1997 - Only with out 500 or so NCP's. And I'll give a lot of credit to Omikron for really pushing the open world game with NPC's in 1999 too and Zelda on the N64 played its part too (with day to night cycles . But like with so many 1st in gaming they were more oftten than not done on the PC by Western developers

    In fact, it's amazing to see how far Saturn Shenmue got in terms of chapters; it was in a more advanced state that Shenmue on the DC in terms

    Work may have begun in 1994 but that's a very vague term
    And that's why I said 1997 , not 1996 . Work began on Shenmue in 1994 but I would imagine most of that was prepping and trying to get the game green lit
    Last edited by Team Andromeda; 22-07-2015, 12:12.


      Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
      Also Omikron: The Nomad Soul sould get a note for a open world game with loads of NPC's
      Omikron certainly did have big locations, and it had "people" wandering around them - but the people were like robots, merely on fixed animation paths and were nothing but props. If you follow the people around, they're not going anywhere - they just wander aimlessly around the streets - streets which have very little in them apart from the few locations in which the game took place.

      The smaller locations, like the bars, the police station, the main character's in-world apartment - these had interesting NPCs, but no more than most games.

      I loved Omikron; I played it for ages. Even so, I think putting it even in the same category as Shenmue for creating an open world is doing Shenmue a bit of a disservice.

      The sad thing is that later games, like Assassin's Creed, used a similar model to Omikron in which the world isn't functional, rather just animated. They just got a lot better at doing it.


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        But like with so many 1st in gaming they were more oftten than not done on the PC by Western developers
        Interesting point. I know the Japanese hate the stereotype but it is often said that they improve upon other people's ideas rather than coming up with their own. What other examples can you think of in gaming?


          Omikron certainly did have big locations, and it had "people" wandering around them - but the people were like robots, merely on fixed animation paths and were nothing but props. If you follow the people around, they're not going anywhere - they just wander aimlessly around the streets - streets which have very little in them apart from the few locations in which the game took place.
          Not saying it was brilliant or anything like that, but it was trying to do a lot and push the ball forward a bit . For me, it was Half II where I really felt like I was in a living breathing world (it fel more real than even Shenmue II) and of course the Elder scrolls games were increabile for thier time


            Originally posted by BigDeadFreak View Post
            Interesting point. I know the Japanese hate the stereotype but it is often said that they improve upon other people's ideas rather than coming up with their own. What other examples can you think of in gaming?
            How about video games, Arcades, consoles and Handhelds for starters: All invented by the West, the same goes for RPG's, Platform, Music, FPS, 3rd person shooters , Driving , Sport games, Shooters . In fact, I can't really think of a genre of games that the Japanese invented myself . That's not a dig at Japan at all, or does it mean the west does stuff better at all. It's just the facts.
            Last edited by Team Andromeda; 22-07-2015, 13:15.


              I'd love to see a remake of the first shenmue. Fully updated graphics and all the little alleys and places that were blocked off previously with a cardboard box opened up and populated. More mini games and dialogue from the towns people as well.

              Try as Suzuki might, I just don't see the wonderful charm of the first ever being recreated.

              Walking around that charming town in the snow and it's all quiet, magical.


                Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                How about video games, Arcades, consoles and Handhelds for starters: All invented by the West, the same goes for RPG's, Platform, Music, FPS, 3rd person shooters , Driving , Sport games, Shooters . In fact, I can't really think of a genre of games that the Japanese invented myself . That's not a dig at Japan at all, or does it mean the west does stuff better at all. It's just the facts.
                Admittedly, whilst it's not a popular opinion, it's something I often heard in the 80s - that the likes of Sony became big because they were better at reproducing, improving, miniaturising and manufacturing things like TVs and radios that were western inventions. Of course, Sony/Toshiba etc. are in a state of crisis now partially because Korean manufacturers like LG and Samsung are doing the same.

                Can't get too self-righteous about it though, on part of western industries; nothing's original. It'd be like the Chinese complaining that Europe got better than them at Chemistry in the middle-ages, just because Europe had glass.


                  Originally posted by Asura View Post
                  Admittedly, whilst it's not a popular opinion, it's something I often heard in the 80s - that the likes of Sony became big because they were better at reproducing, improving, miniaturising and manufacturing things like TVs and radios that were western inventions. Of course, Sony/Toshiba etc. are in a state of crisis now partially because Korean manufacturers like LG and Samsung are doing the same.
                  Don't see what so wrong with that myself, its helped Japan become the 2nd biggest economy in the world. The English may have invented Cricket , but it's not being disrespectful to say many nations play the sport better, its just a fact .


                    Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                    No argument as such just saying that with out the Saturn slump and the rush for the DC. Shenmue would have been doing most of what it did on the Saturn in 1997 - Only with out 500 or so NCP's. And I'll give a lot of credit to Omikron for really pushing the open world game with NPC's in 1999 too and Zelda on the N64 played its part too (with day to night cycles . But like with so many 1st in gaming they were more oftten than not done on the PC by Western developers

                    In fact, it's amazing to see how far Saturn Shenmue got in terms of chapters; it was in a more advanced state that Shenmue on the DC in terms

                    And that's why I said 1997 , not 1996 . Work began on Shenmue in 1994 but I would imagine most of that was prepping and trying to get the game green lit
                    You don't know what Shenmue would have been like on the Saturn though.




                        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                        You don't know what Shenmue would have been like on the Saturn though.
                        I think the Saturn videos make it pretty clear it was Shenmue, only with out the hundreds of NPC's . Not that Shenmue on the DC is a true open world game and I guess Saturn Shenmue would have been more like Saga on foot sections in terms of number of NPC's
                        Last edited by Team Andromeda; 22-07-2015, 15:00.


                          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                          You don't know what Shenmue would have been like on the Saturn though.


                            Should forget the likes of Soul Reaver on the PS too , that was amazing game world back in the day so was Shadowman on the N64


                              You're now comparing Shenmue to Shadowman? are you taking the piss?


                                Did anyone have any idea what to do in Shadowman?

                                Virtual Hydlide i got into on Saturn, looks abysmal, stiff as a 2 week old turd but there is enjoyment to be had.

