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Your Favourite Konami titles / memories

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    Jubeat is awesome on ipad, i must have easily blown ?100 on tracks for that game. One instance where it could only work on a mobile platform. I never understood why they never released sound voltex for consoles the controller would be easy to replicate, it would make one great console game.


      I haven't tried that at all. Looking now on our store, there is Juke Beat (guessing that's Jubeat?) and a thing called Reflec Beat which also looks interesting. Free to try so will give them a go.


        yeah juke beat is it's western name on the app store not sure what the uk sound track listing is like though. The Japanese one has an amazing selection of songs on the store.


          Our one has over 80 packs, each with 4 songs at €3.99 (not sure what that is in ?). Comparable to Theathrhythm DLC but, man, that would soon add up to big money. Some packs are nicely clear, like a Duran Duran pack and a Ray Parker Jr pack, but most are just labelled Konami Pack 34 and so on, not really saying where the tracks come from. New? Old Bemani games? I don't know. Would have been cool for them to be grouped by source. Or at least that would help me find some I know among them.


            On the Japanese one when you goto buy a song you can listen to it first & theres usually a link to buy the album on itunes. Handy as i usually go on what it sounds like hehe. My library is full of dance stuff & jpop.


              Yeah, you can listen to samples here but no iTunes links. A huge number seem to be the typical fast Bemani Eurobeat stuff - no bad thing! Gave the game a go and it's fun. It comes with three tracks - a Contra track, Frogger and Lethal Enforcers, Eurobeatised.


                A large number are tracks by Konami's own musicians - they have some real talent in house, although I wonder if they weren't fired years ago and they are just milking previous work? No idea. Anything with Hideyuki Ono, Hirofumi Sasaki or Mutsuhiko Izumi's name on it gets my attention though. I spotted one track by GF stalwart Thomas Howard Lichtenstein. Sadly, the tracks I enjoyed in the arcade version don't seem to be available (some new J-pop and some classic Bemani tracks). I am going to try not to get sucked in though. I don't want to be part of the problem that caused this thread.

