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Not much happening is there?

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    Not much happening is there?

    I cant think of a single game im salivating over, i remember nearly giving myself a heart attack waiting for Mario World, Secret of Manna, FF6, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time.
    Now what is there comming out?
    Mario 128, but when?
    I honestly cant think of anything else i REALLY want.
    GT4 looks lovely, but i cant say i stay up at night thinking about it.
    Do you ever think we will see a game with the anticipation that Ocarina of Time had, ever again?
    Some people think this is the best time ever for games, i just cant see that at all.
    Maybe im forgetting some great games, what do u think?
    If anybody says Rainbow 6 or Ammped i will loose all faith in humanity.

    rainbow 6 is teh r0><oR!

    ahem, just kidding, but you tempted fate there.

    I agree completely, and it really struck me when I was voting for best games of 2003, none of them had captured me in any way, in the end I voted for Otogi as number, since it felt quite refreshing, but I hadnt waited months of end for it. As for the PS2, metal slug 3 and possibly a couple of imports are keeping me occupied. My cube hasnt been in action since metroid prime. (admiteddly, this gave me sleepless nights for weeks, I was so excited)

    But, on the bright side, it might give you a chance to live in the here and now.
    Rahther than wait on a release schedule, you can walk into a store and make purchases of good games, not heart stopping, but just good fun.

    Maybe dip into retro during a quiet spell, Ive gotten reaquainted with Star Control 2 on the 3DO, and waiting for new retro items to drop through the post can be quite exciting. Heck, I woke up an hour extar early, to wait by the post box, in case my item arrived on that day.

    Heres some titles Im looking forward to:
    Rent a hero no.1 -XBOX (this has got me on the edge of my seat, since it might be cancelled)
    Chibirobo - PS2 (little tin robot dude)
    Giftpia - GC USA release

    and that funny little balls of trash collecting game on PS2 still in its design infancy.

    And FINALLY, to keep you perked...
    Beware the calm before a storm
    wise words indeed....


      Well, I've been salivating over Siren, as my votes in the 2003 Awards thread shows. Original, scary, engrossing, delightful and satisfying all at once!


        **** salivating over games in the future, I'm going crazy over the games I've got.

        FFTA I love you. It is brilliant.
        F-Zero I stunning, and I consistently go back and play it.
        Halo is still getting regular play (5 hours on saturday). How do you do it?

        And I've got Mario & Luigi comming along with Mario Kart DD!! and Skies of Arcadia Legends.

        But in the future there's:

        Halo 2 - Surprise, surprise.
        KotOR 2 - W00t, W00t!
        Sword of Mana - It's sold out on almost every us retailer, so I may have to wait for PAL release.
        Harvest Moon GBA - I can't wait for my first Harvest Moon game.
        Pokemon - Hee, hee. I'm such a child.

        I'm not totally sure of the GC release, but with the huge amount of great games released recently for the console, I'm expecting a little lull for the moment... Maybe Mario Tennis will make my day!

        Honestly there is so much. I'm playing more games than I've played in years. I am just loving it. I feel sorry for you if you're not, because I think that you're missing out... but horses for courses.


          The next big game that has me all moist is Steel Battalion: Line of Contact. I was a big game of the first title despite its faults, but the prospect of multiplayer mecha mayhem with massive controllers sounds too good to be true.

          Oh, and Halo 2 will probably be worth selling an organ for.


            Hyper Street Fighter 2 just arrived for me.

            Frankly, life doesn't get much better


              Donkey Konga has put a big smile on my face and is complemented well by PC Genjin and Mario Kart on my cube.
              Gregory Horror Show is a very fun and unique game, the GBA has had loads of quality stuff recently like Mario & Luigi, Fire Emblem, Sword Of Mana and the slightly older Hamtaro.

              Stuff in the future?
              Pikmin 2 is the main one for me, followed by Fable, Killer 7, GC Harvest Moon and Pokemon Colosseum. GBA Mario Golf is looking tremendous too.

              None of them take your fancy Jushin?


                if StarFox would be made by Nintendo itself this would be one of "those" games, but it's made by namco and I must say I haven't got much faith in this game getting nearly as good as the fab StarFox64 !

                but other than that I'm really looking forward to Doom3 and Halo2,

                Viewtiful Joe, Metriod Prime and Zelda Wind Wanker were also 3 games I was really looking to. But only Joe and Metriod were as good as I hoped for, Zelda must have been almost the biggest let down of the year......


                  Well, Wario Ware was the best thing to happen to me this whole year in terms of gaming.

                  I've also had a great time with P.N03 and VJoe. Mario and Luigi also took me by total surprise.

                  I'm also looking forward to Siren, and I have Gregory Horror Show and cannot wait to play it at Christmas.

                  Like life, gaming is largely what you make it, tbh.


                    Crystal Chronicles!


                      Yeah Crystal Chronicles is worth getting slightly hyped, and the only other game on my radar is MGS:TTS, because I never played the original, mind you that logic didn't hold for Biohazard.


                        I finally convinced myself to get a GBA SP, my first ever Gameboy in fact, so I'm really looking forward to Crystal Chronicles too (not to mention Pokemon ruby which is coming with the console ).

                        Halo 2 is probably my most anticipated game ever. I hadn't played Halo for 3 months... until an hour ago. Yup, this'll be my 5th run through legendary in less than a year. I just hope the sequel lives up to this.

                        Quite looking forward to Fable too, the XBox could do with a few more RPGs.

                        I've now bought 3 consoles in little under a year (Xbox last christmas, Gamecube in October, and the SP for my birthday on Monday), hopefully this year I'll just be able to concentrate on the games themselves


                          It suddenly occured to me while voting in the GOTY thread that I've only bought three 2003 games this year, the rest are all retro.


                            Trust me, Chrystal Chronicles ain't worth getting that hyped up over :P It's got one of them intro's that just makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but sadly that feeling doesn't stretch throughout the entire game.

                            I'm looking forward to an English Siren, (I'm lending the Jap one out, as it's too scary for me atm :\). From hearing nothing of this game, to it becoming one my my favourite games this year within 2 weeks is quite an achievement.

                            Halo 2 is worth giving a kidney for. Half-Life 2 is also going to be worth the wait. Doom 3, ditto.

                            But I gotta admit, there's nothing on the horizon half as exciting as Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time were in their day.


                              Halo 2 is worth giving a kidney for
                              But I gotta admit, there's nothing on the horizon half as exciting as Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time were in their day.

