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Which is your favourite beat em up franchise and why?

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    Which is your favourite beat em up franchise and why?

    I never really thought about it until the other day when I saw some footage of Tekken 7 but out of all the new ones coming out I'm most excited about Tekken. I wouldn't call myself an expert at beat em ups but I have played quite a few different ones over time with some fond memories.

    I remember being blown away by Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive 2 on Sega Dreamcast, and playing Street Fighter 2 in the arcades for the first time abroad which was my first experience of a fighting game, and also seeing the photo realistic character models in the first Mortal Kombat was mind blowing back then.

    Credit to AM2 for bringing Virtua Fighter into 3D but nothing will beat the first time I got my PlayStation with the original Tekken, Law was the man!

    Tekken for me.

    Edit: My missus likes Smash Bros. Does that count?
    Last edited by MarioMark; 30-01-2016, 20:25.

    Tobal series, proper 3D movement, a brilliant HIgh, mid, low button setup and the grapple system having movement+countering giving it mind games especially when your close to the edge of the arena and timeless graphics with 60fps. though i could have done with out the risk/reward fireballs put in to 2.


      This will sound a bit anal, but the topic seems to be about vs fighters. To me a beat em up is a game where the player controlled character dishes out most of the damage, i.e your basic scrolling efforts. I love fighters but never had proper human competition to appreciate the games how they should be played, sadly.

      I have the most respect for the Virtua Fighter series, but it only came close to its potential at home with VF4:evo and I never got deep into it.

      Souledge going into Soul Calibur was my favourite for style/music/characters etc, so probably my favourite overall but the whole thing was run into the ground by Namco over a decade ago. It's embarrassing now.

      Blazblue was my fighting game Renaissance, loved the gimmicks especially Iron Tager's magnetism, and it was the first time I could have real opponents - but the series moved far too fast to keep pace with, I gave up after the first two home releases as I just couldn't afford to keep up to speed, in either time or money.

      My dream is that there will one day be a new VF game to surpass VF4:Evo. For some reason I have more hope for Sega than I do for Namco, ha.
      Last edited by Darwock; 30-01-2016, 22:15.


        Yeah should have touched on that, the topic is mainly about vs fighters. Not the style you see in streets or rage, konami turtles games etc


          Killer instinct for me

          First two games more for nostalgia value as i played them a lot in my teen years at arcades and at home but can admit they are not competitive fighters and are clunky as hell now.

          New KI though i like because you are always playing even when you are getting hit plus they are doing a stellar job of updating and adding to it.

          Do like tekken as around the same time i played tekken 2 ....kings five throw combo was great and anyone remember the gamesmaster episode with Tekken 2 ?


            Series would have to be Street Fighter; apart from a few mis-steps (the EX sub-series, everything associated with the live-action movie) it has been consistently brilliant for over 25 years, and has inspired so much.

            There are other fighting games I've loved, high points being Soul Blade, Soul Calibur 1&2, Tekken 3/TTT, Virtua Fighter 1/2/5, Power Stone 1&2, but I don't think any series can claim a track record comparable to Street Fighter. I suppose Tekken has been consistently good over comparatively fewer games (I liked 4, whereas most people didn't).

            Personally I'm wondering if Sega will ever give us a Virtua Fighter 6.


              Originally posted by Asura View Post
              Series would have to be Street Fighter; apart from a few mis-steps (the EX sub-series, everything associated with the live-action movie) it has been consistently brilliant for over 25 years, and has inspired so much.
              I actually quite liked the Ex series.....and i liked the soundtrack. I know the movie game for consoles was rubbish but i thought the arcade game was ok at best


                Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                I actually quite liked the Ex series.....and i liked the soundtrack. I know the movie game for consoles was rubbish but i thought the arcade game was ok at best
                Both the movie game and the EX series suffer from the same problem, in my eyes - they were novel at the time, but seem a bit pointless to play now. Like I remember loving EX at the time, but mainly because it was so interesting seeing the characters do the moves in 3D.
                Last edited by Asura; 30-01-2016, 23:01.


                  Scrolling fighter appreciation here:


                    If we are talking 1 on 1 fighters then Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Saturn) and Soul Calibur (DC) are my 2 favourites


                      Vs fighter it was be X-Men COTA because I loved the X-Men cartoon , The game looked fab it sounded great, huge multi tier backgrounds, great special moves that did justice to the source material. Bes of all, it was a game that had fairly simple controls and because most of the moves used the same inputs no matter the characters , most of mates (who never played the game before) could quickly master the basic controls and really start to have good fights early in (not like VF II where you needed days to learn the moves) with huge special moves all over the place that filled the screen !

                      Scrolling would be Streets of Rage II. - It looked as good as most Arcade or Neo Geo games for crying out loud , sounded amazing and just played so well and was also great in 2 player mode .


                        King of Fighters for me. Playing the franchise since 1994, the team aspect was great as you got to use 3 different characters for one credit. The crossing over if SNK franchises was also a great idea too.

                        I only found out each character had a super in KOF '95 and since then SNK continued to tweak the game's systems and update the rosters yearly.

                        I know the FGC is generally ripping KOFXIV a new one due to its looks but I'm just happy the series is still going after 22 years. As long as the core gameplay remains solid as it ever was I'm happy to play KOF XX and beyond.

                        Long live KOF!

                        N.B Now they've both made the transition to 3D, it'd be a great time to have a couple of guest characters in SFV Capcom?
                        Last edited by Paddy; 31-01-2016, 12:12.


                          Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                          Souledge going into Soul Calibur was my favourite for style/music/characters etc, so probably my favourite overall but the whole thing was run into the ground by Namco over a decade ago. It's embarrassing now.
                          Me too for style etc, got Soul Edge on import, couldn't believe that for the intro they had an actual song. The way the time lapsed in the stages - from day to night was incredible at the time, flocks of birds flying around and the music - Khan Super Session = awesome.
                          I also liked the weapon power meter which they got rid of in Calibur.

                          Gameplay though I think Tekken has the edge, also did a lot on Toshinden, liked the music and the comments from the characters.


                            It varies I tend to find, as I'm not a massive core fighter fan I find my interest goes through ups and downs with each series depending on where they're at and how the individual entries hit me. If I had to pull one above all others it would likely be Street Fighters as when it's amazing it's amazing and the style, music, tone, nostalgia carries a lot of weight now.

                            At the moment, series by series:

                            Arcana Hearts
                            Tried two releases on this and it taps too heavily into the majority of VS/Darkstalker style gameplay where a punch/kick doesn't correspond to the attack your pressing so you have to learn for each character that say Y=blob swing across 2/3s of the screen. Too stupid and unintuitive.

                            Played most entries to some degree and there's some fun to be had but I'd be lying if I said I thought very highly of them.

                            Guilty Gear
                            Never a fan of this franchise, never played well for my tastes. However, it's on its way up for me as I did enjoy Xrd so will be giving Revelator a whirl down the line. Once to keep an eye on.

                            The King of Fighters
                            It's ups and downs, so many entries and so many turns. The final edition of XIII was great so as long as XIV plays well it's all good. Sometimes the entries are a bit over stiff in gameplay but broadly I enjoy the style and titles more often than not.

                            Marvel Vs Capcom
                            I didn't mind the third release, probably enjoyed it more than the second but I'm aware why the second is thought of better. To me it's just fun fan service stuff so wouldn't bother me if there wasn't another, if I want a good Capcom fighter I wouldn't turn to this series over SF.

                            Persona 4 Arena
                            Tried both but didn't get on with either

                            Another throwaway one. Visually poor and relies on stupid attack forms again so my interest is limited.

                            Street Fighter
                            More hits than misses and most entries end up sticking in your mind regardless. Big soft spot for entries like SSF2TX and SFA2 as well.

                            Samurai Shodown
                            Wasn't bothered by the first, enjoyed the second and third, diminishing returns for four onwards.

                            Killer Instinct
                            The first two games various releases were fun but relied massively on their visuals to carry them looking back. The XBO third game though, excellent and it deserves far more attention than stuff like Smash Bros and Mortal Kombat.

                            Mortal Kombat
                            Very varying quality but the last two entries have improved things a lot so there's reason to look forward to the eventual next entry. There has however never, ever been a point where Mortal Kombat has been a worthy competitor to most other franchises. It has a lot of appeal but it's gameplay has always been the weak spot.

                            Super Smash Bros
                            Again, enjoyable but my brain sees it as a manic party game. Barely registers as a fighter for me.

                            Dead or Alive
                            I got a lot from DOA2 but after that it's been mixed. The last entry was better than the fourth for me but it's appeal is more reliant on the lack VF in the world these days than it is in it's own self worth. DOAX shows why the series really still has a fanbase.

                            Soul Calibur
                            Loved Edge, Adored Calibur, enjoyed Calibur 2. Sharply declining results after that point

                            Started strong for me, then dipped on PS2. The last couple have raised my interest again and I'm quite looking forward to T7 now. Preferred Virtual Fighter out of the two for gameplay but presumably that franchise is permanently dead now.


                              Probably samurai shodown

                              I bought it on release for ?180 from dream machines 2 and took my neo geo onboard HMS Newcastle for a Falklands / West Indies guardship deployment which lasted 10 months

                              All We had in the mess was a mega drive with Mortal Kombat (bought in Gibraltar - our first stop) and my neo geo and the play it got was Incredible and back in 1993 compare mega drive mortal kombat against Sam sho it was night and day

                              Sam sho 2 is probably better being honest but I will kinda treasure the time I had back then with that one game

