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Most retries on a section of a game?

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    Most retries on a section of a game?

    Whats the most amount of attempts you have ever made trying to beat a certain part of a game?

    Probably for me it was when playing Halo on Legendary setting first time round, with little ammo or health I got stuck on the section on Truth and Reconciliation whereby you are beamed onto the empty ship, which soon is flooded with badass Elite's and covenents. Probably took me over 60 attempts to beat it fully, finally I managed to fire enough plasma grenades off at the Elites whilst invisible to stand a chance, and I cleared the section.

    I never once found it frustrating though, which is quite something for me really.

    One of the void levels in SMS took me 20 odd goes. It was a really early one too. Didn't have any major bother with the rest.


      Monkey 7 ft:


        Final boss in Final Fantasy 8, now ive heard people doing this in 30mins flat, it seriously took me about an 1hour and a half on my bloody 50th attempt, i had gotten so fed up watching the same speach at the end too just to trash the annoying bitch something like 50times that she never seems to die, even at the end when i killed her was still thinking ahhh she's gonna change again aint she!


          Well, i've never been that stuck in a game...

          lol, but when u had to find the triforce shards... and the maps n ****... got on my tits that did


            Originally posted by darksteve
            Final boss in Final Fantasy 8, now ive heard people doing this in 30mins flat, it seriously took me about an 1hour and a half on my bloody 50th attempt, i had gotten so fed up watching the same speach at the end too just to trash the annoying bitch something like 50times that she never seems to die, even at the end when i killed her was still thinking ahhh she's gonna change again aint she!
            lmao I remember that one...that bitch annoyed me for days ft:

            I was kicking her ass for well over 50 minutes and got her down to her third stage. All of a sudden she wiped out all of my characters within about 5 minutes of play I'd never been that annoyed by a game before in my life.

            lol, I immediately loaded my last save and spent an hour levelling up (this is after playing the game for 3 hours straight before going through the last few bosses)

            I go to her again and absolutely annihilated her I only lost one character - Irvine - the second time though. Shame, he was one of my favourites It took me well over an hour to do though



              The final boss in FFVIII is so easy!
              I could easily kill her with my team of Squall, Zell and Irvine.
              The rest ha dlevels ranging from 11-20...completely unjunctioned.
              The trick is to keep Zells life at a minimum. That way he'll easily get a limit break every time and if you only use booya and heel drop you can hit her for like 5 times per second which equals at least 20-25 hits. If you have junctioned the strentgh right she shouldn't be a problem. I think that's the way I killed her...


                San Francisco, Arcade Race, Hardest level. That level in Project Gotham has been attempted by me 100 or so times. I worked out that I couldn't make a single mistake if I wanted to get past it, and so every time I scraped a molecule of paint off of my rear bumper after a spectacular powerslide, I had to begin again. I've turned restarting the level into an artform.

                And the worst thing is, I STILL HAVEN'T PASSED IT.


                  Monkey Ball 2, "Domes". I didn't know I could swear so much.


                    one of the hot laps on pgr2 on the amercian muscle class, on platinum..i gave up on it in the end,


                      toss up between:

                      Goldeneye 00 Agent 'Control' level


                      The second special stage in SMW (Gnarley i think?)

                      Probably my happiest gaming moments. Especially goldeneye (Why oh why was PD so **** )


                        Tubular - Super Mario World. Pure evil and took me forever to get past it.


                          The hardest game I ever encountered which after hours of retries in several parts of it still kept me playing because the atmosphere is so fantastic, is DC MDK2. At one point I was close to breaking the GD-ROM and mailing the pieces to Bioware. I haven't beaten it yet, but am determined to finish this title.


                            I remember the 3rd incarnation of "Nightmare" on "Devil May Cry" while playing on "Dante Must Die" skill-level presented a few problems. Took a good few attempts to beat that bastard.


                              Originally posted by ryodi
                              Tubular - Super Mario World. Pure evil and took me forever to get past it.
                              Amen to that. Took me bloody ages :P

