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Playstation 5: Thread 02

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    Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
    Naughty Dog have released a 300mb update to TLOU remastered that reduces the load times to a matter of seconds... on an original playstation 4!!
    Looks like they are taking advantage of some new tricks and compression techniques.
    That’s fantastic news. I’m currently playing the Outer Worlds and this game could do with some reduced loading times. I end up falling asleep waiting for different sections to load. It’s equally frustrating how certain missions require some back and forth tracking between massive load time areas...

    This reduced loading time will make gaming all that much more enjoyable! It will be like playing in carriage again (maybe).



      Until Dawn has been patched to remove loading times completely whilst God of War has seen its load times reduced.


        Destruction All stars is now going to be a free PS+ game released in February.


          Free for 2 months on Plus.


            Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
            Destruction All stars is now going to be a free PS+ game released in February.
            Post on the PS Blog says it's going to be the free game for two months.


              Do they mean 2 months to add it to your library and play it free for as long as you have Plus or it's free to play for 2 months only?


                I read it as it'll be the free game to add to your library for two months.

                It's DriveClub all over again.


                  Seriously [MENTION=25]charlesr[/MENTION] can we get this nonsense off the forum finally please. Whatever this capcom person/bot thing is.


                    Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                    I read it as it'll be the free game to add to your library for two months.

                    It's DriveClub all over again.
                    how so? its an online arena game that could do very well if it finds an audience, Being a £70 release was never going to go well for it so props to sony for reading the room and putting game out in a way that will help it find its playerbase.


                      Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
                      how so? its an online arena game that could do very well if it finds an audience, Being a £70 release was never going to go well for it so props to sony for reading the room and putting game out in a way that will help it find its playerbase.
                      DriveClub was announced, then delayed and released on PS+ (as well as a full priced version).

                      This was never going to sell well at full price and, when it seems to be predominantly multi-player, would have meant it died before it reaches a wide enough audience to become popular.

                      I agree it's very smart of Sony to delay and put on PS+. They're probably counting on lots of MTX to recoup some of the development costs.


                        Seems like the perfect game to add into the service as an incentive to new subscribers...

                        That sounds like something MS would do!


                          Godfall next to be a free PS+ game...





                            Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                            DriveClub was announced, then delayed and released on PS+ (as well as a full priced version).

                            This was never going to sell well at full price and, when it seems to be predominantly multi-player, would have meant it died before it reaches a wide enough audience to become popular.

                            I agree it's very smart of Sony to delay and put on PS+. They're probably counting on lots of MTX to recoup some of the development costs.
                            I was never going to buy it smells far to much of game design by committee, its trying super hard to target the rocket league fortnight comunitys too and that's not my sort of game.

                            Its like someone said character skins sell far better than car skins can you find a way for us to the player get out of the cars so we can sell £10 gameskins.
                            Last edited by Lebowski; 26-10-2020, 16:55.


                              Yep, the right move. Clearly set to get buried at launch so the delay helps fill new year out and being on PS+ should ensure a lot more players


                                Would love Nintendo to suddenly be the most powerful console in the world, but they don't need to be. They're not part of this war. Their games will sell systems regardless.

