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Playstation 5: Thread 03

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    I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Like any electrical device a few will see issues but in reality its always in the tiny minority. Also if you take the top plate off your console you’ll see the size of the cooling fan, seriously its massive, it must of been designed with a ton of headroom for well into the future.

    Both consoles have absolutely nailed the cooling issues of last gen at least, funny how both companies took such polar opposite solutions.
    Last edited by fishbowlhead; 27-05-2021, 19:18.


      Unless you've got one with the worse fan - as I have.

      Nowhere near as loud as the PS4 or Pro but still louder than the SERIES X/S.


        Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
        I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Like any electrical device a few will see issues but in reality its always in the tiny minority. Also if you take the top plate off your console you’ll see the size of the cooling fan, seriously its massive, it must of been designed with a ton of headroom for well into the future.

        Both consoles have absolutely nailed the cooling issues of last gen at least, funny how both companies took such polar opposite solutions.
        Xbox 360 says hello...


          Originally posted by nonny View Post
          Xbox 360 says hello...
          Ah the console with so many failures MS probably racked up an extra 10m sales because of it. Atrocious console design and build quality.


            Originally posted by nonny View Post
            Xbox 360 says hello...
            I had 3 360s and 2 ps3 in my time. I don't know what the hell was going on in that generation.
            My ps4 lasted the whole time.


              Horizon Forbidden West looks damn impressive!


                Horizon Forbidden West looks stunning.


                  Really? Maybe the stream i was watching wasn’t very good but I wasn’t impressed. Looks like a cross gen game being held back by ps4 big time, poor frame rate stuttering all over the place as well.

                  Edit. Year think it was the stream. Even on my phone that vid you just posted looks better and smoother.
                  Last edited by fishbowlhead; 27-05-2021, 21:28.


                    Watching it full screen in 4K it looks like it has a good chance of taking the title of ending up as the PS4's best looking game... but I can see that it's a PS4 game and not a PS5 one. The line is narrow though.

                    New second demo of Unreal Engine 5 running on PS4 and XSX - notably it runs in 4K30fps, the engine can do 60fps but - and here's the words we'll all be hearing a lot in a year or two 'we focused on visual fidelity'


                      Shove fidelity. Whats the point when the screens such a blurry mess at 30 you can’t see anything anyway?


                        Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
                        I had 3 360s and 2 ps3 in my time. I don't know what the hell was going on in that generation.
                        My ps4 lasted the whole time.
                        Don't jinx it!!


                          Horizon looks like more of the same boring crap with even better visuals, enjoy the fighting the same 5 dinos a couple of times while spending most of the game crawling in brushes to sneak attack humans and alot of time picking up a hundred branches littering the place. I had to laugh at the "hiding", she was clearly a good 2 feet above the brush in front of the dinos and humans.


                            To be fair, Horizon was the best open third person action game of 2017... *ahem*


                              I was disappointed to see the ps4 logo for sure. But you can't deny it looks lovely. I'm up for it.


                                Woke up. Yep still disappointed. PS4 is holding this back, oh well. Financially i get it, but creatively they absolutely should of dumped last gen long ago.
                                Last edited by fishbowlhead; 28-05-2021, 07:59.

