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Your earliest memory of major bugs in a game ?

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    Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
    Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper on GBA is a technical marvel
    Not sure if you're aware, but there's a really sad story with this. It is a technical marvel, along with its forbear, Street Fighter Alpha for GBC, which was also by Crawfish Interactive.

    However Crawfish delivered SF Alpha 3 slightly late to Capcom, and Capcom withheld their payments, as they were contractually able to do... But by doing so, they caused Crawfish to go bankrupt. As a result the creators never received their final payout or the royalties from the sales of a highly regarded and successful game, and Capcom pocketed all the cash.


      Originally posted by Asura View Post
      Not sure if you're aware, but there's a really sad story with this. It is a technical marvel, along with its forbear, Street Fighter Alpha for GBC, which was also by Crawfish Interactive.
      I'm more than aware of how Crawfish Interactive were screwed over payment for SFA3U by Capcom on a contractual technicality. I'm pretty sure that I've posted about it more often on this forum than anybody - the forum search function would confirm this!

      Yet again though, for anybody unaware, the full story:


        Originally posted by Colin View Post
        I remember buying Sword Of Vermillion on Mega Drive and I put hours and hours in to it. I can't recall exactly what happened but the game crashed and then my saved game just wouldn't load. I think it's why to this day I've completely refused to get in to any game of that type, scarred for life!
        I have never met anyone else who played the game at the time it came out. I had the Genesis version which came with a full colour guide for some reason? Also it had bits like, just walk through those seemingly solid trees. How would someone guess that???


          Your earliest memory of major bugs in a game ?

