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Hogwarts Legacy, oh my

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    Hogwarts Legacy, oh my

    Have avoided most of the retardera & twitter meltdown over this and never really looked into it too much but finally saw the latest trailer. As someone who loved the books & mildly tolerated the awful films this looks like it might undo the 20 years of EA garbage harry potter games and give us the wizarding game we always wanted, the trailer is insane just as i'm thinking "cool, can't wait" they contine & go "but here's more" it keeps going & going with the stuff packed in. Love that it's set way before Harrys time, freed from the hassle of trying to shoehorn the story into it now we get to see new people but also ones from the books that were there around that time like the ghosts yay peeves is back in it.

    Cautiously optimistic they don't **** it up somehow, least one of the devs has confirmed that there will be no mtx of any kind in it so i remain hopeful.

    Is it bad I thought it looked pretty crap? I've never really liked Harry Potter so it's safe to say this game isn't really for me anyway but from a technical standpoint the frame rate looked pretty rough through out...

    It looked like it was attempting a locked 30 but was running nowhere near it?

    Plenty of time to fix that of course... so if this is up your alley then definitely time to be cautiously optimistic.


      I think the franchise has had its day to be honest, even before the author's comments online.

      WB is determined to beat a dead horse.


        **** JK Rowling and **** this little Tory simulator. The Harry Potter fiction is just a vehicle for her racism and I hope she dies in a fire.

        And please don't use the r word dude. It isn't acceptable.


          Originally posted by chopemon View Post
          I hope she dies in a fire.
          Twatbag that she is, I'd rather read 1000 'lazy dev' comments than that

          In fact, I'll make a 'lazy dev' (esque) comment myself.

          The whole HP thing has thankfully passed me by, but that looks ****e hahaha!


            Originally posted by chopemon View Post
            **** JK Rowling and **** this little Tory simulator. The Harry Potter fiction is just a vehicle for her racism and I hope she dies in a fire.

            And please don't use the r word dude. It isn't acceptable.
            Paha. Kids books bro. Kids books.


              Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
              Paha. Kids books bro. Kids books.
              At risk of this going off the rails, at least personally for me, it's more about how she's quite an influential person and if she promotes transphobic viewpoints, they can cause genuine harm.


                I guess the success of this game will determine how offended real life people (not twitter people) are by her tweets.


                  Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                  I guess the success of this game will determine how offended real life people (not twitter people) are by her tweets.
                  It's going to appeal to die hard fans of the books/movies who are willing to separate her from her creation.... or simply kids who love the books/movies and are oblivious to the fact she even exists.

                  Like I said, I'm not a HP fan in the slightest... but I can still see how this would sell well to that fan base. It'll be interesting to see how many adults aware of her comments will boycott this though.


                    Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                    I guess the success of this game will determine how offended real life people (not twitter people) are by her tweets.
                    I'd argue it'll show if people care about real people enough to forego an adventure about fictional people. I think I already know the answer though.
                    Last edited by Asura; 21-03-2022, 07:18.


                      I love HP books and films, even though she has undoubtedly tarnished her reputation with death on the strangest of hills.

                      But this looks utter crap. Stiff animation and characters, horrible voice acting. It will run like crap too, especially on previous gen systems.

                      Not impressed.


                        Deffo need to put my mod hat on for this thread.

                        Everyone read what they're about to post twice, please.


                          I have no skin in the HP game - it just hit at the exact wrong time for me so it doesn't appeal to me. And yeah, the idea that a children's author could be so vocal about an issue that essentially marginalises and invalidates a bunch of kids at a point in their life where they are likely struggling is absolutely reprehensible. She's going full Glinner.

                          But... without in any way taking away from that, I feel it's important to note that HP is now a hell of a lot bigger than her. And yes, she benefits. But it's worth considering what this also brings to everyone else. Media is rarely made by a single person and in the case of a game like this, I have to imagine that single person is very removed from the process. This is not her vision. Not that I think HP will collapse any time soon but just keep in mind that there are a lot more people involved and people who probably need these things a lot more than Rowling does. It's kind of like when films with Kevin Spacey in them were cancelled (I mean literally cancelled) - it probably hurt other cast and crew members way more than it hurt him.


                            I think, when it comes down to it, that we're experiencing a situation in the media in general, where people have to decide for themselves about (1) whether they can separate the media from its creators and (2) if not, what they deem acceptable/unacceptable.

                            Like I can't listen to Lostprophets anymore, and I no longer buy/pay for anything that has anything to do with Rurouni Kenshin, despite both of these things being something I really liked in the past. I know that the creator of Kenshin didn't make the movies alone (he was barely involved) but the money from the franchise was paying his legal fees.

                            But of course, those creators engaged in actions that were criminal, which even I'll accept is a different line from creators who simply say/support things you disagree with.

                            Some people don't consider this stuff at all, which is their prerogative. I'm actually a bit jealous, because that would be easier. But I've tried it and it's just not me.

                            Still, I guess the HP franchise doesn't need detractors like me to kill it. Given the trajectory of the Beasts movies, I think WB is doing that all by themselves.


                              She spent five years being beaten and abused by her husband, so you can kind of see why she would have such entrenched views on safe spaces for women and the eroding of women's rights and voices. Is it bad that i can kind of see her point of view based on her personal experiences? Safe houses for women where a life line for her.

                              I can see the other side of the coin too, a very close family member has been fully transitioned for a very large part of my life and id like to think if anything where to go wrong for her i want her to be able to access safety nets, even seeing this I'm not sure that ignoring and turning those asking questions about these concerns into villains is the right way to go.

                              Oh yeah also this game looks really good....
                              Last edited by Lebowski; 21-03-2022, 10:39.

