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Which is the best streetfighter????

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    for me it's : SF Alpha/Zero 2


      For me it's a tie between Championship Edition and Alpha 2.

      On the one hand CE had a better character roster, but I had a lot more fun playing Alpha 2 multiplayer (I still remember the multiude of Ryu VS Akuma matches with one particular friend).

      On the other side of the scale, Alpha 3 is terrible. Not the worst in the series (the original SF gets that distinction from me) but its extremely unbalanced, and some CPU controlled characters can be very cheap. At least in the DC version. I hear the Saturn and GBA versions are much more improved, but I've yet to play either.


        my vote goes to alpha 2


          I know i'm side tracking a little here but whats the story with Super SF2x on the DC;does it not run thru RGB or something?
          I'm off to Japan on Thursday(at last!) and want to pick up a copy.


            Apparently DC SSF2X is not RGB compatible.
            Most people I know are playing this thru VGA or are playing a back up version of SSF2X that's RGB compatible.

            Sega Direct have re-released SSF2X though - Whether this new version is RGB compatible or not is another thing...


              SSF II turbo for me, but i think the Zero/Alpha games play quite different to a "traditional" SF game. Maybe cos all the cast are meant to be younger or probably capcom wanted to do something different! Anyway..

              1) SSf II turbo (best sf game)
              2) SF Zero 2 upper (best alpha game)
              3) Xmen Vs SF (best Vs game)



                Zero was the high point of the series so far... I LUV IT!!!1


                  Zero 3 definitely has far too many infinites and, as I've said many times on these forums over the years, skewed priorities (Adon?! WTF?!) and the ability for all characters to air throw smacks the whole kit and caboodle out of balance.

                  My favourite is SF3:TS. Although it needs a much better character roster than it has, the engine is excellent and, graphically, is the best looking 2D fighter out there. Ok, so GGX etc. is higher res, but has far fewer frames of animation than the glory that is SF3. We need an update; some sort of hybrid Zero/SF3 game with a massive roster of characters in high res, with all the SF3-style frames of animation (hopefully, this is what the Atomiswave means to 2D gaming, but we'll have to see...)


                    Originally posted by TEZBEK
                    Zero was the high point of the series so far... I LUV IT!!!1
                    Another Zero/Alpha lover!!

                    This one is probably my favourite also. Didn't enjoy the others in the series anywhere near as much as the first.

                    Don't like the SF3 series.


                      Like the majority of people here my fav is SF3: 3rd Strike. A game i played so much when i got it on the dc that i decimated (at least one) arcade stick, and the only game that can take my attention in an arcade even with the presence of ID, Outrun 2, F335 and VF:Evo.


                        for me.

                        Super Turbo

                        Most hated, cvs2:x

                        A3 has overtook 3S as my second fav SF mostly because of good regular competition online.

                        Sure, 3S is more technical thanA3, but without regular comp there's no point:x
                        Its all about 2players


                          1. Street Fighter Alpha 2
                          2. Cap Vs SNK 2
                          3. SF 2 Turbo (just because its an oldie)

