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First Game of 2023?

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    I just completed Wave Race 64 and then proceeded to struggle completing a single stage of 1080 Snowboarding on the lovely little Anbernic RG351MP.

    So an N64 launch game is my first game I played and completed in 2023!


      Dead By Daylight after buying it in the Steam sale.

      It's quite fun!


        It ended up being Link's Awakening on Switch, and I got as far as collecting the 3rd instrument. I'm going to try and finish it tomorrow.


          It's going to end up being yet more Modern Warfare II, which I've already played far too much of, but I'll be linking up this afternoon with an old friend who's Shanghai-based (and therefore I see little of IRL) to do the cooperative levels, rather than blowing away randoms in Kill Confirmed matches

          At New Year I was fortunate enough to see another friend who lives far away (in San Francisco), who has lent me Mario 3D World on Switch. That's the next game I'm planning to dive into. I bought a WiiU on the release day of the original version and enjoyed it greatly, but never got around to picking up the re-release. I'm particularly curious about Bowser's Fury but also looking forward to playing through the whole 3D World adventure again.

