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Official Edge Issue 133 Thread

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    I know, I know, I was just pushing the cold hard realities of the universe jive....

    You live and die by your material, but for some reason in this sector, the uber geek sector, people seem to buy edge solely on its suposed rep. Normal economical models don't seem to apply. Kinda like people buying a really bad painting by a famous artist because it "is".


      SHB=3, Sega GT=5, R:R Evo=5

      I'm beginning to think that I should just start buying every driving game that Edge rate 5 or lower, that way I'd just keep hitting the gems.

      Or maybe I have a distinctly average taste in racers.


        ill right edge a featur if they are in need of a wirtter


          Originally posted by JibberX
          You live and die by your material, but for some reason in this sector, the uber geek sector, people seem to buy edge solely on its suposed rep. Normal economical models don't seem to apply. Kinda like people buying a really bad painting by a famous artist because it "is".
          I always thought that a bit odd. When all is said and done, the only thing that can touch it really is GamesTM. Read OXM UK recently? A mag aimed at a supposedly mature demographic. It would be better if Future just released a disc every month with tons of good trailers and demos, or even betas/alphas/pre-review code (I can dream). After all, why would I want to read a mag that makes derogotary remarks towards people who own a Cube or a PS2? I own both. So mocking me is not the way to gain my coinage.

          OXM UK gave ETM a 8.5 FFS and Blinx a 9.1. There is such a thing as difference of opinion, and then there is such a thing as talking complete crap.

          EDGE's Pokemon article recently was superb, and this is coming from an ardent Pokemon marsterbaiter. Er, I mean Master.

          Their codeshop, whilst sometimes a chore to struggle through, (a lot of coverage of mobile gaming recently, is this good or bad thing? Don't know yet), is at least different from everyone else. Their previews and main preview features are superb. Don't forget, they got Half Life 2 and Far Cry and even SCEE published Killzone before everyone else.

          Their reviews. Well, it's an opinion, innit? You're you, they're them. The idea that someone's opinion is going to always or even sometimes coincide with your own is daft.


            Originally posted by Crispin
            Don't forget, they got Half Life 2 and Far Cry and even SCEE published Killzone before everyone else.
            That was pre-Splay-Yourself-Before-The-Mainstream-Like-A-Wanton-Harlot Edge.

            Though it could all be transitory and maybe I'm just being too hard on them (as others seem to be suggesting).

            We'll see...

