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N64 classics vs their Gamecube equivalents

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    Originally posted by Firsty
    I don't understand how anyone can say they can't go back to F Zero X after playing GX. To say something like that you must be an absolute graphics/sound whore.
    F-Zero GX is a brand new challenge, and a bloody big one at that. F-Zero X is too easy (now anyway) and feels so much slower and dull than GX. F-Zero X is really good and I frequently play it, but F-Zero GX is much more tense, I don't feel the same way about F-Zero X any more. I just go on the level, kill all the crap people and then race with the good ones and win too often. F-Zero GX controls are so sensitive, you have to be perfect, and keep your cool all the way around the course, and it does look better, but the sound track is poor complared to the hard F-Zero X rock.

    Story mode is cool, as are the AX racers... and the little cut scenes you get when you complete master with different characters... and making your own craft... and the linkup does sound amazing, althoguh I've never used it.

    I'm glad Sega AV did this game, they made my two favourite GC games, which may say a lot about Nintendo's franchises!


      I don't understand how anyone can say they can't go back to F Zero X after playing GX. To say something like that you must be an absolute graphics/sound whore. X is clearly the best in terms of gameplay.
      Not at all man - in terms of gameplay and handling I feel GX is much better. How is X clearly better in terms of gameplay? Games move on - X was a superb game but it's ideas have been taken forward. In X you dont have any control during a drift (apart from snapping out of it to gain speed) drifting only slows you down so you pulse the accel to get out as soon as poss. Airbraking is a simple affair of lateral shifting, there is a lot more to it in GX; subtle control enables perfect drifts around even the sickest bends. In GX you have 2 modes of drift, you can play the game Ridge Racer style with the brake (AX mode) or use both airbrakes to control drift - jumping is also a finer art. The view modes are better and more varied, the courses are much better, there is nothing in X which can compare to the AX courses and harder GX courses IMO, better mix of music and superb characters/presentation too - that brings me to the arcade link-up, there is nothing better than transferring your skills intact to the arcade version and competing for scores and times.


        My main GX gripe is the courses. I only like a few of them, while I like almost all of them in X. Some of the GX tracks are just plain boring. Firefield 1, I mean....come on! You can't fall off! The drifiting is a little better. But the rumble isn't as good. The rumble on the N64 version lets you feel the tension when you corner. That's one of my fav features in X. Also I really dislike how the craft handle in the air. Shooting way up high only to tilt the nose down a little for a fast descent is really intense in X. If I tilt forward in GX, I fall like a stone. I really wish the X tracks were in GX.

