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Overrated Games

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    Halo 2 was a frustration more than anything else - There was so much missed opportunity - The arbiter was rendered a virtually redundant addition, when he could have been so much more. There nothing wrong per se with the game itself, it was more Halo, and the dual wielding worked well - But there were a couple of things that took the shine off -Spawning enemies in certain sections, and as mentioned the complete waste of effort that was the Arbiter - And of course the dismal ending. However, in fairness, I don't think Halo 2 was overrated, it certainly did not receive the universal critical acclaim of the original.


      It did from most of the press, which is often the case with long awaited follow ups. See the reviews of Coldplay's X&Y compared to the general public reaction to see another good example of this.

      Although it was blatantly overrated, I liked Halo 2 anyway. The Arbiter levels were the best bits imo (especially when you attack the Brute base and later link up with the Hunters) and the idea of 'humanising' the enemy was an idea not often played through in videogames.

      I even liked the ending, but then I've always been a sucker for cliffhanger endings. I revel in people seeing Holy Grail or Italian Job for the first time and watching the look on their faces. I don't think an ending needs closure and the twist that the Earth is the Ark was pretty good (imo anyway). Tardus was a crap boss though.

      The lack of true areas to really revel in the sandbox play was a crushing disappointment. Where were the massive areas from the first game? Why were most of the vehicle sections restricted to corridors? Why did the later MC levels go on and on forever like the library which Bungie acknowledged was FUBAR?

      AND what on Earth were Bungie doing for the 18 months after Halo was released??? The extra disc on the tin shows clearly that they had pretty much zip in the can by the time E3 2003 came around. That part which shows them all enjoying volleyball in the sun, I was thinking 'Get back in the studio, yer basts!'.


        Any Gran Turismo. Its like Pokemon with cars why bother.


          In which case, any Pok?mon, as it's like Gran Turismo with Pok?mon.

          To be honest, I've never felt the need to 'catch' any significant proportion of the GT series' car lists. The real advantage of x-hundred cars as I see it is that you're far more likely to have the exact car you'd like. I have absolutely no interest in the Evo/Impreza type things that make up the bulk of the car list, but there are still plenty of things I like from the Mini through the Elise, the RUF 911 (though I'd much rather a 'real' one) to the MacLaren Mercedes and on to keep me entertained as well.

          The appeal of GT is about the fun of driving either a car you have, but wouldn't dare drive for real with such abandon, or would love and can't afford.


            Disgaea. I'm sure I missed the point but I just had no clue what to do in this colourful Ant Attack update.

