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Edge Issue 134 *Official Thread*

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    You didnt miss the point londonner, the guy who wrote the article, (I forget and cant be bothered to find it again, could have been the guy i mentioned above), basically spent an entire page saying how he hates everything about it.

    He hates the the flights, the junk they keep giving him, the press lunches/dinners before meetings, the constant stream of games and other stuff.
    He wasnt complaining so much about the business, rather he was complaining that E3 had become too much, to much of everything. Too many people, too many games, too many gamers somehow getting in. He insulted several people because he regarded them as below him, and said they shouldnt have been allowed in.

    My gripe with the piece of trash article he wrote is this:
    I dont pay for the magazine to listen to some arrogant little journo whine about how tired he is of non journos getting in. Or how painful his feet are having to walk around cecking games and writing notes. Or how if he gets one more press pack he'll throw up. Or how is sick of Sony paying for his godamned lunch.

    If he needs to get that bile of chest, he should go see a bloody shrink, not moan to me and the other readers about it. It added nothing to the E3 issue. If anything, it ruined the rest of the magazine for me.
    It was nothing more than him complaining and getting paid for it. He didnt even do it with tact, he just said
    "E3 has gotten too big, its too much, too much of evrything whine whine whine like a little school girl"
    Even if it soul destroying londonner, I dont expect to pay for the mag then bored with that kind of lazy writing. Id rather he invent a more interesting article. The magazine is a product, and I expect satisfaction with a product that I buy. Full Stop.

    (sorry if that sounds like I was being agressive to you londonner, I didnt intend for my paragraph to sound like that, it was aimed at the article)


      Nah, I didn't think you were being aggressive.

      Sounds like an 'interesting' piece. Based on your summary, to some extent he is right about some things:

      Free lunches: you have to do them to be in the PR's good books (so they'll keep you in mind for exclusives etc.); they have to do them to keep in your good books. Helps if they're a mate, but otherwise a thoroughly dry affair Zzzzz ....

      Press packs: fodder material or add absolutely 0 value; often ends up staight in the bin. Some of the more interesting ones are worth keeping for collection purposes though

      'Public' at trade shows: these events are busy as it is, without crowds of people behind games you're there to check out; there are private PR show rooms etc. but it means dividing space, appointments, more red tape and so on. Alas, when ECTS went AWOL with its entry policy it all went downhill. Separate days for public and trade has always worked best I think. If you're there to do a job, you don't really want joe public whose just out to have some fun (and nothing wrong with just wanting to have some fun) getting in your way. It's a bit like having the audience hang around poking at things in F1 garages during a race. Or something. Just wouldn't work as well.

      Anyway, to address your point, I don't know whether it was lazy or not, but I think it sounds like it's done the job - in drawing a reaction out of you (positive or negative, it doesn't really matter!). If it was an editorial rant, well ... that's what they're there for.

      Best thing he could have done was to rant, and offer his vision of how things could improve, or at lease imply how. Worst thing an opinion piece can do though is to leave you indifferent.

      Id rather he invent a more interesting article.
      Depends if it was an article, or an opinion piece. Sounds like the latter (I really should read this article instead of talking crap second guessing ). it's good to know what someone behind straight articles sometimes think - hence why there's such a fuss at the moment about whether BBC news journalists, like freelance or commercial news journalists, should be allowed to write opinion pieces. On the whole, I think he was making fair points about how the industry could self destruct, and how E3 will implode (it has been for a few years). Sometimes industries need to re-align, focus and trim the crap.


        Originally posted by Ian(not Ian)
        The real proof that EDGE is careering down the slippery slope to mediocrity can be found on page 94.
        Oh yes. Just bought it. @ p94, tbh.

        p92 & p93 aren't good signs, either. What do I win for getting them all right, Edge? The latest PS2 blockbuster licence-fest? What's the runner up prize? A ghetto blaster and Eminem's latest CD?

        It's not all bad, though I suppose. Their mention of that 1up-zine has just reminded me to check that out instead. I guess I should thank Edge for that.


          Originally posted by Ian(not Ian)
          The real proof that EDGE is careering down the slippery slope to mediocrity can be found on page 94.
          My god, they actually put their name to it.


            More likely that FUTURE put the name to it. Presumably this is what they all quit over last time. Talk about cheapening the brand name. Now when I think EDGE, I think of the godawful phone adverts they run on German satellite TV.

            I feel sorry for Mr. Mott, as I have great respect for what he did with GameCentral.


              Yeah, it's a Future thing, not an Edge one. The first I knew of it was when the previous issue -- which was the first to carry it -- came back from the printer. And if I didn't know about it I can't see how the previous editor would've seen it coming. But that's by the by. I've been 'discussing' the ad with our publisher and I don't think you'll be seeing it again.


                I quite liked p 92-93.

                I personally think Edge is getting itself sorted again. Not eveyone is going to agree with the reviews and not everyone is going to like the writing style but I think that is endemic of a fanbase who now use the net to source their news, stories and discuss reviews.

                The magazine has really improved since the days where articles along the lines of "The secret life of games developers" and what amounted to "A day spent watching an orchestrer record a soundtrack for a game which happened to be in all sorts of other magaznes made by future and was a PR stunt" and other such "stories" that were irrelevant and didnt really capture the games industry. Now im ranting again and that got me banned from the Edge forum many years ago.....but I am now buying the magazine again.

                That add though!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  I got my copy of E134 a few days ago. I'll go through my impressions section by section.


                  Cover: Much better than the previous issue. It stands out a lot more and has a crisper look to it. White covers on EDGE generally tend to work well if an imposing image is carefully placed to attract attention. The text and resulting snapshot company logos are precise and to the point. You know straightaway that the focus for this month is not necessarily on 'the next generation' itself, but if we the gaming public are ready for it.

                  ATEI report (Frontend): This too, I enjoyed, and it's partly what I buy EDGE for, to read indepth articles on industry trade events and know what's going down from a fairly objective perspective. After hearing about all the bad Sega news lately, it's nice to see the company isn't quite on the rocks yet. The report essentially highlighted the main games worth paying attention to, and kept them away from the impressions of the event itself. Which was easy on the eyes.

                  Out There: Like Ady said, the 1UP magazine looks lush, as does that crazy Halo armour and Puyo Pop Fever bean bag. These are the types of gaming junk EDGE's traditional target audience tend to like I feel.

                  Editorials: Interesting editorials. Better than last months... RedEye had something constructive to say about the DS. I was anticipating him going on a rant about negative internet forum reaction to the DS, but interestingly enough, he seems about as cautious on the handheld's prospects as many out there. Steven Poole had some valid things to say about how gaming convention can possibly be challenged in an effective manner from complete outsiders. It is a possibility that such shifts in perspective could help break certain cliches... As for Toshihiro Nagoshi and Biffo, well they were as enlighting and amusing as ever, although the fact Nagoshi's obviously a serious alcoholic is a concern.

                  Previews: This is where things hit a bit of a downer for me. The .Hack prescreen was great, but all the war/stealth/sim clones looked fairly dull and uninspiring if I'm to tell the truth. Neither was I overly excited by reading about ShellShock Nam '67.

                  Spaced/invaded: I don't really favour these two page features, especially another smug episode of self-analysis at yet another trade show party. Not my thing...

                  Life After Lara: The Heath-Smiths came over as exceptionally arrogant people I'm afraid. If they were hoping that feature is going to put them in a positive light, I think they're mistaken, at least from my point of view. I would have liked it if the story had delved more into a multiple angle viewpoint, and questioned what the Core/Eidos management employees thought of the whole Angel Of Darkness fiasco too.

                  The Next Generation: A mildly interesting read to be sure, but it was too overly speculative to make it all that absorbing. Having said that, I did enjoy the developer/hardware expert/tool provider's views, as well as some of the mock screenshots of how Climax is preparing for the new technology.

                  Budget report: I can't say I was really interested in this. The people converting budget games to the UK weren't really telling us much we didn't already know, and as many have pointed out already, in those budgeted games listed, Psyvariar at ?15 is a steal. I think EDGE do need to source a number of knowledgable 2D shooter heads when it comes to that genre, because this isn't the first time they've been criticised for showing a lack of common sense.

                  By Approval Only: Things pick up here. This is the kind of stuff I buy EDGE for - To read and understand about certain parts of the industry which don't really get covered in other magazines/websites. I especially liked the contrasting boxouts comparing the different procedures that Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony go through when approving games.

                  In Memoriam: I'm with most people on these minature two page features, and this more than any so far highlights the fact they probably are magazine padding. PS2 game save icons don't look all that great in my opinion to warrant a two page spread.

                  Reviews: These have definately improved lately and I didn't find myself disagreeing with the text or scores anywhere near as much as I have done over the past few months. It was good to see EDGE giving the localisation team behind the PAL version of Siren the roasting they undoubtedly deserve. And my anticipation for Otogi 2 after reading it's review in this issue is pretty high now... Shame we'll probably never see a European version.

                  Retrotest: Night Trap. I never had a MegaCD so I can't say I was really interested in this retrospective review. Having said that, I do believe FMV-focused games of that time are historically important, simply because before the fall of the 16bit generation these were considered the games that were going to be leading the way in the 32bit field. Night Trap obviously highlights why they didn't end up doing that.

                  Making of... Tapper: Not really my cup of tea, but an in-depth and fairly intriguing read anyway.

                  Reset: Same as ever. Very self-indulgent, but (relatively) amusing regardless.

                  Inbox: Certainly better than last months. The people who wrote in had more interesting things to say, and EDGE were more reactive towards their comments.


                  Overall: All in all, I'd say it was a fairly interesting issue. There was more that worked than that which didn't, even if in sections the latest issue of EDGE was a mixed bag. I do think the magazine is improving now after it's recent wobble, but it's clear some parts are still working far better than others.

                  Having said that, it was mostly a decent read.


                    Originally posted by Concept
                    Reviews: These have definately improved lately and I didn't find myself disagreeing with the text or scores anywhere near as much as I have done over the past few months
                    Yeah, my only gripe with EDGE until about an issue or two ago were the reviews, now they're much more plain, easier to read and list a game's faults much more clearly than they used to. I can now use them to make informed purchasing decisions now, whereas half the time before I couldn't really discern or glean anything from then.

                    Keep up the good work.

                    And I rather like the two page spread things. Make for a nice light reading. But surely there must be better icons than some of those?


                      Originally posted by Crispin
                      But surely there must be better icons than some of those?
                      Not as many as you'd think, sadly. There's nothing worse than the expectation of a new game's icon being jilted when it turns out ****.


                        Gave this a quick read this in tower records,
                        and i am in total shock!! edge gave a beat em up a decent score !! WTF


                          Originally posted by Concept
                          Editorials: Interesting editorials. Better than last months... RedEye had something constructive to say about the DS. I was anticipating him going on a rant about negative internet forum reaction to the DS, but interestingly enough, he seems about as cautious on the handheld's prospects as many out there.
                          You think so? I thought it was quite hypocritcal myself. As you say, not long ago he was up on his High Horse berating us Internet peons for getting worked up about speculation and internet rumour and there he is speculating himself on a machine nobody knows ANYTHING about beyond the fact that it has two screens.

                          I can appreciate skepticism on the DS, but I think RedEye's article was a bit much considering how little is known about it.

                          Edge's little 'Nintendo BS' feature was also very childish, IMO.

                          Inbox: Certainly better than last months. The people who wrote in had more interesting things to say, and EDGE were more reactive towards their comments.
                          To me, the letters are starting to sound calculated and made up. Almost as if Edge wants to justify itself.

                          If they're not made up, then Edge is obviously being very selective about what it prints for the reasons I mention above.


                            Agreed; it's ridiculous to claim the machine's "innovation for the sake of innovation" when we haven't even seen any games for it yet or the full specifications. I'd understand if he was commenting after E3 when we knew all about the machine and it's software, but I don't buy Edge to read the kind of ill-informed rants I'd expect to find at the Team Xbox forums. You are absolutely right to point out his hypocrisy... maybe it really is written by different people.

                            Then again, Edge relies far too much on the internet these days anyway, saying things like "internet communities are sceptical" (paraphrasing) in the actual DS article and printing silly mock-ups.

                            RedEye's column was not "constructive", it was "destructive". We know **** all about the product and certainly not enough to say it will fail. Then again, wasn't he saying the GameCube would die in the same way the Dreamcast did not so long ago? I think he's always been pretty anti-Nintendo.


                              Originally posted by superkully
                              + One column articles with a two page spread... This reeks of padding, I don't like.
                              I think that word count has generally gone down in Edge. And they insert too many irrelavent pictures. P12-13 for example. The whole GB evolution bit at the bottom is blatant padding.

                              And is it just me or has the quality of art direction gone downhill as well?

                              Edge is becoming a bit lazy in my opinion. Not mainstream.


                                Originally posted by Fibber
                                And is it just me or has the quality of art direction gone downhill as well?
                                Yeah, especially the cover art. Look at the Back Issues page. I think from issue 124 onwards there's on obvious drop in quality, although the "mainstream" one was nice.

