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Obvious stuff you never discovered or solved while playing..

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    Obvious stuff you never discovered or solved while playing..

    Ever been really really stuck in a game.... You know to the point were you?re swearing "that it must be some kind of bug"?! Only to realise as you look up the sollution on the net or when asking a friend, that the answer to the puzzle/problem was so completely obvious that even a 3 year old could have figured it out? Has a simple puzzle beyond compare ever left you totally scratching your head or just furious?

    Or have you ever totally missed out or failed to discover a vital gameplay function, a certain move or an important feature that would have made the game so much better or easier?

    A friend of mine for instance, wasn't aware, even after finishing the game, that you could destroy cameras in Metal Gear.

    The same friend didn't notice until late in the third disc, that you could save everywhere in Shenmue 2 without walking all the way back to your room.

    I didn't discover that you could wall-jump in Metroid Fuzion until my second run of the game. Gah!

    Have any "stories" of your own? Let us know what fool you really are!

    Er... yes...

    Goldeneye. First level. Took me hours to realise you could shoot the padlock off the gate.


      Spent days playing Zelda Mask of Majora trapped in the village only to hear that you could leave and go on missions. I HATE THAT VILLAGE AND EVERYBODY IN IT!!!


        Zelda: Windwalker...

        Someone had to tell me that you need to get some water from the pool and put it on the bomb-plant right at the begginig on the Flying peoples island.

        Man, that pissed me off and a half.

        And I never knew you could kill the cameras either!!! Cheers for that matey, I was going to start playing MGS again tomorrow!


          Thinking about it, when one gets stuck/doesn't notice these things, it is an indictment of the crap design of the game.

          The designers have forced you to do something in one particular way.

          One example is in ICO ...
          Originally posted by spoiler

          When you have to burn the ropes holding the chandelier... I spent hours trying to light my stick on the torches that are on the walls ft:


            Seriously? There's a big... gate. To walk through. Right?

            The most recent one was in VJ, when you're on the side-scrolling shooter bit. I didn't realise you had bombs...
            The boss took me aaages to beat!


              I finished Sword of Vermillion on the Megadrive without ever actually FINDING the Sword of Vermillion.


                I spent many hours stuck at the beginning of Monkey Island 2 as I didn't realise you could walk off screen to access other locations on the island (this was the first MI game I'd played).


                  how do you destroy the cameras in MGS?


                    My first console (bar the game gear) was the N64 and I got it with Goldeneye. I got to the gate where the truck stops, and was absolutely CLUELESS about what to do. I tried every button, tried...jumping, tried getting in the truck, tried finding a secret door or seeing if the sniper towers around had a secret passage downstaits to take me under this massive gate the truck was trying to pass. I thought that the thing was so big, you couldn't just press a button and open this thing. I even phoned the Nintendo Hotline (Remember that, it wasn't premium rate either!) and after a 5 minute conversation where I vented my frustration and told them I thought my game was messed up, they said I just had to press B at the big button next to the gate.
                    I don't believe I could not work that out!


                      CBFD: you open the door to the farm shed place by flipping a switch on the roof. Except I didn't realise it opened the door down below and thought it opened up something on the roof...I spent ages trying to reach the top of the roof, even though it's supposed to be impossible at that point of the game... I even jumped off the diving board trying to hit the switch before the pool is drained of water...


                        Resident Evil Code Veronica was the last one I can remember

                        On the prison island I spent ages trying to find the eye part for the body sculpture. I looked everywhere, and backtracked all over the bloody island for a good two or three days, searching every room and object over and over in the vain belief I might find something new

                        And then I realised that in the same room with the sculpture there's a door behind a glass screen which you need to go through. It was so obvious it amazes me to this day that I missed it !


                          Having never played a Final Fantasy, not realising that 'cure' healed your party in FF7.

                          "Why can I cure poison but not restore hit points? stupid game"

                          Only took me until Gold Saucer to work it out.


                            On OoT, after doing Dodongo's Cavern, it took me three days to work out what to do next. Three days of almost solid playing. I failed to notice the huge Triforce symbol next to the fairy fountain. D'oh!


                              32 hours into FFX I realised that you got your HP and MP back if you touched a save sphere. Before that I was so sure that you got HP and MP back if you walked around or slept at an Inn. I must have lost hours travelling back to a "safe" area and walking in circles. ft:

