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Journalism: Running scared of the fanboys

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    I can see why publications like Edge kind of have to give review scores, but I'd be so impressed if NTSC did away with scores :P

    One thing I will comment on, though, is the fact that every single review is merely opinion. It comes down to what the reviewer has played in the past, what he or she likes, and even what their current view of the industry/particular company is. For that reason, for NTSC or any other review site, I'd suggest going the way of (no, not a porn site despite the dubious name) and do a little "Where's Jo coming from?" section in which, in that site, the reviewer lists a handful of similar movies and the scores he gave them.
    I'd definately like to see that sort of section once NTSC builds up its library of game reviews (in fact, how about a gathering of the reviewers to decide and give a whole heap of games scores (not necessarily reviews) to start this process off - something, again which happens at if the films are older than the site).


      Social stigma? On the way out if you ask me... my married friend who is as domesticated as you get bought an exercise bike that hooks up to his PS2. You just wouldn't have gotten away with that five years ago.

      My other non-gamer friends had a dance-mat party last weekend.

      They all know my flat is filled with bizarre console equipment, nobody really cares.


        I lived in Japan for two years (and my wife is Japanese to boot). I consequently have a pretty comprehensive knowledge on the country and its people. As for putting the Japanese on a pedestal, I am doing nothing of the kind. They are like us as gamers, but there are just an awful lot more of them.

        As for the social stigma, it's not specific to gaming but almost anything that isn't traditionally Japanese (going to the cinema has an equally huge and identical social stigma attached to it). Gamers aren't pinpointed as geeks in Japan, just that they are "selling out" to their own culture. Considering that almost all non-Japanese pastimes carry this baggage, it is unsurprising that many have figured out capable workarounds (though these don't always work) but it still produces a certain sub-culture vibe despite the numbers involved.


          What does all of this have to do with fanboys?

          I can see why publications like Edge kind of have to give review scores, but I'd be so impressed if NTSC did away with scores :P
          For about 10 months after first launching NTSC had no review scores, they were added for various reasons. None of which I remember.
          I like them though, and can't see them going.


            Originally posted by cacophanus
            They are like us as gamers, but there are just an awful lot more of them.
            I appreciate that you lived in Japan, but the above statement doesn't seem logical. Considering the size of Japan to many western gaming nations, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that Japan has more gamers.

            Either way, it's not a Them and Us situation at all, imo. I'm like many in this thread in that gaming trends (ie hardcore/causal/or whatever) are not specific to nations, but a part of the global culture of gaming as a whole.

            As an aside, Caco; I've only recently realised who you are. It appears I used to know one of your ex-girlfriends...


              Japan is a large nation, at least in terms of population. There is a larger proportion of gamers though. I also agree that there is a global community of gaming, but many Britsih gamers seem adamant on denying this (British denial? Not exactly new that).


                I also agree that there is a global community of gaming, but many Britsih gamers seem adamant on denying this (British denial? Not exactly new that).


                  I'm not just talking about the UK, though but the west in general.

                  I can believe Japan probably has a bigger dedicated gaming community than this country, but the west in general? Not a chance.


                    He probably means 'more' gamers in Japan in proportion or something. In the same way the barnacle has the largest penis in proportion to its body. Erm, yeah, you can thank Sara Cox for that one.

                    Indeed, I'd be surprised if there were more gamers in Japan than in America and Europe.

