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    My mum doesn't like me playing video games but as long as it doesn't interfear with my studies she's not too fussed. She does take the view that games are for children though and does expect me to grow out of them.


      My parents are great. They've completely supported me buying and playing games for the last 14 years and I don't think they've ever criticised it as a hobby.

      They're actually quite interested in it...but are affraid to say so My mum was fascinated by the animation in The Wind Waker, and my Dad was so impressed the first time he saw me using my Dreamcast arcade stick


        My parents were very cool about it.

        Dad got rather pissed at me one day during the Summer holidays. That said, I had been playing Landstalker 14 hours aday for 2 weeks.


          Im one of the lucky ones as my mum loves playing games.

          I bought her a gamecube for xmas and a copy of mario party 5 and she's never off the thing

          She has a gameby colour as well but she hardly touches that since the gamecube came onto the scene. If she trains up a bit more she might finally be a good substitute for a 2nd player


            I've had my parents playing Samba de Amigo, Made in Wario, and Taiko.

            They're not particular good at video games mind, but they're always interested in what I'm playing when I see them.


              i dont have parents that take my consoles away, i have 2 kids and a wife, much much much worst than parents imo

              as for when i was younger, money was tight in my family, never had a computer til i was 16 which i paid for with my first job, explains why im such a big kid now, as i can afford it i buy it, plus i want my kids to have the stuff i never had.

              my 6 year old completed jak1 with 100% (no help from me either) so i rewarded him with a copy of jak2, tbh a ps2 has helped him and his speech plus he knows if he trys his best at school work i reward him with console goodness


                my mum went through this whole getting-to-know-me phase (since i've not lived with them for years, and we were on bad terms for ages) recently (which i think she might still be in... eep), and got really interested in what i was playing. cue my mentioning project zero, and that i found it so scary i literally couldn't play some bits after dark. she came down to see me a couple've weeks later, and asked to see it (mainly 'cause she'd never, ever seen me scared of a film or game before, and wanted to see what had finally beaten me). i walk into a room... cue female head, stage left! i look around, and mum's actually covering her eyes. it was such a mother-daughter videogame bonding moment. or something.

                ...they were pretty good when i was a kid, though. mum's a total hypochondriac, and spent years vaguely panicking that videogames were wrecking my eyesight, but she never went as far as to take away my consoles or anything. dad used to be into tomb raider on the pc, i think. if i was ever to, y'know, adopt, that kid would be *so* lucky, videogames-wise, from the combined collections of its mothers. as long as it liked rhythm action and 2d shooters, i guess.

                oh, and my mum really liked rez, and still has no idea what i see in 2d shooters.


                  My mum's fairly ok with me playing games. She used to moan about the amount of time and money I spent on them, but as I got good grades, am in uni and never hung around on street corners wearing a cap and asking people to buy me 10 Fags at 15, she see's that they can't have been that bad for me.

                  Also as I won a couple of DDR comps and got bare stuff and a free ticket to Japan out of it she's come around and doesn't say anything anymore, unless she's trying to have a convo with me... Or when i won't let my brother have a go lol.



                    Haha, im lucky my mom actually plays games herself, online, etc... lol she is in leagues for Half Life.

                    My dad isn't arsed either way


                      My parents are 18,000km away, and i see them maybe every 2-3 years, so no nagging from my end - not that i'd take any notice being a "grown up" now. Or so the government declares Does age = maturity? and does playing games mean you are immature?

                      I'm not likely to have kids, as the Mrs are getting to the point that its have them now or never, but i'd encourage a heathy attitude towards gaming if i did. I might stop if current trends continue, and no new ideas get produced (re: franchising ad infinitum) but i dont seriously think that will occour.

                      My coffin will have a MegaPlayBox 9 installed, with extra controllers should other undead drop by, but i dont see parents being an issue, just death...


                        my dad has a moan if i leave my stuff lying about after playing, thats about it...

                        i think he gave up moaning about me playing for hours ages ago

                        i dont mess up other stuff in my life (anymore) so its all good ^_^


                          My Mum used to nag me big time about the noise of my SF2 sessions with my mates back in 93. Everytime she heard the noise of Shoryuken intense fights between Ken and Ryu, she would say " Is that all you kids play, it must be good ". We would all smile and think " Shes right, this is bloody excellent ".


                            Ahhhhh, SF2... those were the days, me and my brother used to have really really intense fights in that game, and we always used to argue about it too!

                            So mum took both the Megadrive and SNES versions away!

                            Also when I first got PSO for the DC, I used to play that for hours online in my little Hunter Group, needless to say when the phonebill came it was for around ?300!!!!

                            Lucky I was away at the time


                              I hear that


                                PSO on DC pissed my wife off. And it made me feel a complete nerd. I say this because when you buy a 20' phone lead to play at night it's getting bad. I hold my hands up and admit my shamefull behaviour. The scene was thus:

                                Wife in bed to the right of me. Portable TV on dining table chair beside bed (my side). DC on floor. Controller in hands. Two pillows propping me up. Keyboard lying by side of me on bed.

                                At 3am this means that body movement (to get keyboard) is slow and considered. Typing is a f***ing nightmare

                                Sorry Annie, but you chose to marry me...

