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First ever game you really got into?

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    hmmmm I was bought up on zork and kings/space quest by my mum and auntie! I only just recently got rid of that old tandy and that was onlt because the monitor "mysteriously" fell on the floor and smashed


      I was only about 4/5-ish at the time, so my recollection might be a little hazy, but it was either Space Invaders or Mr Do! - these two are my earliest gaming memories.. I remember on holiday legging it straight over to the cocktail Space Invaders every day as soon as I saw it.

      On the other hand, I remember seeing Mr Do! getting played and thinking "I could do that! Let me try! Let me try!".

      During the same holiday, my dad was exactly the same over Missile Command & Lunar Lander


        Got a few from various formats.

        Elite- C64
        Bubble Bobble - Arcade
        Underwurlde - Spectrum
        Indy 500 - Atari 2600
        Donkey kong - Arcade
        International Soccer - C64 cartridge
        Match Day- Spectrum

        All left a mark in my head and my heart, along with so many others.

