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Mature Zelda...oh go on then!!

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    Can someone remind me of the reason there is a kink in the plotline between OoT, MM and WW?

    I explained that the start of WW meant that Link defeated Ganon in OoT, but when Ganon returned, link was nowhere to be found as he was in Clocktown hence the gods having to flood the land in his absence. But somebody pointed out why this couldn't be so?

    What was it?


      I've just came across this:

      Zelda OOT - Comic Part 1

      Zelda OOT - Comic Part 2

      Part One shows the story of Link as a baby, his mother and father. It explains how Link's father was a soldier of Hyrule, how he died, and the reasons leading up to his mother fleeing...

      Out the window my theory goes. heh. Shame.
      Last edited by Adam Stone; 23-07-2004, 10:17.
      ----Member since April 2002


        Mr SharkAttack? tbh, I think it was Nintendo?s intent for us to assume Majora?s Mask was the reason for Link?s non-return as he was trapped within the other dimension. How this cant be logically sound I don?t know tbh. Makes perfect sense to me? Can anyone spread light on the matter?

        Anyhoo? over the past few days I?ve been spending a great deal of time with Wind Waker again. It is my 4th play through and I?m probably enjoying this the most since my first play. As I?ve mentioned before, I originally completed the Japanese version which ultimately proved to be an incredible gaming experience. The dungeons were far more appealing and enjoyable due to the lack of tips/hints being thrown at me left, right and center. I had to use my own wit to decipher the dungeons?

        The 2nd play through was the US version ? and gave me a chance to enjoy the many mini games and gain an extra layer of enjoyment due to the story and character interaction?

        The 3rd time through I rushed through and didn?t really enjoy the sailing at all. I was too intent from getting to point A to B and was frustrated when I had to go to F then back to A. I was rushed the sailing, found the dungeons too easy and ultimately suffered because of it. Tho still enjoyed the battle...

        Now though, it is different. In fact, I?m enjoying the experience more then ever. I aim to collect all treasure chests/maps/heart pieces etc and am in no rush to do so. I?ve literally spent the past few days doing nothing else but sailing, stopping at islands, exploring their secretes (even discovering things ive missed previously) ? just generally enjoying the tranquility, absorbing the atmosphere? its been very relaxing and enjoyable. I?m at the part where you must return to Outset Island (after getting the bombs) and I?ve already filled my map! Heh. (by giving bait to the fish)

        This play through has really opened my eyes. Its allowed me to see why there is so much negatively surrounding this game really. Unlike OOT, the meat of the game isn?t the dungeons, that is quite clear? it is the side quests, it is spending more time exploring the hub? despite what I said previously ? I feel there are more sub quests within Wind Waker. They sadly just aren?t as executed as well. But if your prepared to put the time in, without rushing, they are very awarding and enjoyable

        It has got me thinking really?

        In the new Zelda ? what would you prefer? Far more emphasizes within the dungeons? with a nice blend of mini quests etc (like in OOT)? Or less dungeons but a great emphasizes on the going ons out side (like in WW)? But keeping in mind, if you would prefer the latter, there wouldnt be all that sailing so many people found tedious... assuming Reborn takes place mostly on land of course.

        Hmm? it?s a tricky one really. I cant quite remember, but how many dungeons did MM have? I remember that for the most part they were very impressive and generally quite difficult? and it also had massive game-within-itself type side quests. Will Reborn also be able to combine the two together?

        Hmm? me just generally pondering really.

        Also just wanted to share my re-born love for Wind waker is all
        ----Member since April 2002


          Originally posted by SharkAttack
          Can someone remind me of the reason there is a kink in the plotline between OoT, MM and WW?

          I explained that the start of WW meant that Link defeated Ganon in OoT, but when Ganon returned, link was nowhere to be found as he was in Clocktown hence the gods having to flood the land in his absence. But somebody pointed out why this couldn't be so?

          What was it?
          Read the thread from this post in. I made a bit of a mess of the explanation to start off with, but it all came together eventually. Moodmon's post backs the theory up, too - at the very end of the game, we see Link riding through the same forest he was in at the beginning of the game, so we know he's not stuck in Clock Town.

          In answer to your question about which I'd prefer to see in the new game out of huge dungeons or side quests, Adam, I don't really mind. What I definitely do want to see, though, is a similar high standard of characterisation and coherency to what was achieved in WW. If we go back to the relatively one-dimensional mannequins of OoT I will not be a happy bunny - WW really is a series high point as far as the people populating the game world go, and the emphasis being placed on the importance of combat in the new game worries me a little. Huge and numerous battles are all well and good, but if Nintendo don't give me a world and people that I actually care about saving, if I don't feel that emtional connection with them, then what's the point?
          Last edited by E. Randy Dupre; 24-07-2004, 11:51.


            I second your concern dude.

            I too was a little worried that Reborn may lose the characterization that was so incredibly achieved within Wind Waker...

            But then i asked myself "why should it?" - I couldn?t answer. OOT, although not quite as in-depth as Wind Waker, still presented a huge amount of charm and memorable characters that were funny, moving and interesting. Majora's Mask - still portraying a darker theme then Wind Waker, had a number of hilarious moments and fantastic characters. The skeletons towards the end prick to mind, as do the Deku people (the King's dance was fantastically funny). nintendo's sense of humour has defnitely been getting more funnier over the years imo (Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, Pikmin 2, Mario and Luigi...)

            Wind Waker is the most battle-focused Zelda so far imo (many parts of the game would chuck countless amounts of foes your way. One area over 20 floors of non-stop battle) and yet Wind Waker has the best characterization yet. There is no reason why Reborn cant too...

            tbh, i don?t think Nintendo will disappoint in this area - i hope not anyhow
            Last edited by Adam Stone; 24-07-2004, 12:30.
            ----Member since April 2002



              Originally posted by Adam Stone
              Hmm? it?s a tricky one really. I cant quite remember, but how many dungeons did MM have? I remember that for the most part they were very impressive and generally quite difficult? and it also had massive game-within-itself type side quests. Will Reborn also be able to combine the two together?
              4 possibly 5 if I remember rightly, but they were harder and longer than OOT's. Personally dungeons are my least favourite bit of Zelda games, I'm much more in to the world outside them.


                I touched on it before, but does anyone get the feeling they've kind of been re-inspired into this 'new' style by the LOTR movies? Was LOTR big in Japan? How ace would it be to either witness or take part in a Helm's Deep-esque defence of Hyrule Castle? OMG... to quote a Grunt in Halo, I think I wet myself.




                    No they weren't inspired or no LOTR wasn't big in Japan? (Or no a Helm's Deep-style battle in-game in Reborn wouldn't be ace?)


                      No I doubt they were inspired by that garbage. The stuff seen so far just looks like the original cube zelda shots only with the obvious move of turning the saturation down on everything a bit because WW being colourful as a child then its blatantly obvious your going to be more subtle colour wise on the adult side of the story. Other than that I don't see how attacking from on a horse can be inspired by LOTR seen as its not like the chubster director invented that or anything.


                        To be fair, i think ur miss interpreting what Alf-Life is trying to say...

                        I think it isnt wrong to proclaim that the Reborn trailer may have a slight LOTR feel due to the musical score and the epic battle impression. Also the text used is slightly relating to the films "Shields will be shaken" is similar to the King of Rohan's speech, something along the lines of "swords will be shaken, shields will be splinted..."

                        I personally dont feel that Nintendo are being inspired by the LOTR, but that doesn?t mean it isn?t possible Its not like they haven?t done so in the past in relation to films. Shiggy has stated before that some inspiration for the Zelda series actually came from the film "Legend" - so there really isn?t reason to be so harsh df0notfound (not that u are being particularly harse really, there just seems to be a bit of a tone )
                        Last edited by Adam Stone; 25-07-2004, 17:15.
                        ----Member since April 2002


