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MGS3 screens

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    MGS3 screens

    So far I think this is E3's best looking game. Most impressive anyway.

    Can't wait to see how they do with the online play, and of course if the actual single-player is actually as good as it looks.


      A Snake in Crocodiles clothing! Insania!!1

      Crocodile Dundee gator gutting action ahoy!

      Most impressive.


        Looks bloody georgeous !

        No matter how many times I see Snake with that croc on ( think I may have coined a new phrase there ) it makes me laugh.

        If I didn't know he was a cold blooded killer I'd think he was just a loon !


          Brilliant quite brilliant. Can't wait to play this. Has anyone seen the revolutionairy hand to hand combat yet?


            that second shot looks well odd

            floating platforms!?

            not very 1960s?


              Those are never PS2 screens!!

              Bejesus that looks fantastic. Wonder who the new characters are... that bloke at the bottom looks like Vamp.

              @ the flying contraptions and the crocodile head.


                are the things in the 2nd pic supposed to be helicopters?


                  Surely someone should be bemoaning the industry and their unrepresentative hi-res screen captures by now?

                  I spot two, maybe three gameplay shots and a whole load of cutscene.

                  Just to be devils advocate as this was turning into a MGS love-in thread


                    Nothing wrong with an MGS love-in. Cozy.

                    Camps, look at the flying doobrie against the moon... not a helicopter. They haven't even got propellors, stupid looking things they are.


                      Love how "soft focus" everything looks in these shots. I hope they keep it that way in-game. It gives everything an ICO style beauty.


                        just watched the first 3 parts of the trailler on ign, and ooooohhhhffF!!!

                        It looks fantastic

                        /me cums

                        trailer must be toping 20 minuites long if not more


                          I've been interested in this game from the get-go. I like the whole idea of streamliing the MGS concept and taking it to unfamiliar territory. And if those shots are anything to go by, it'll look great, too.

                          I just hope Kojima doesn't overdo it with the FMV.


                            Originally posted by evilmatt
                            Surely someone should be bemoaning the industry and their unrepresentative hi-res screen captures by now?
                            Gladly. I was having one such conversation with a mate the other day, to the effect that practically every upcoming game looks gorgeous nowadays to the point of saturation. In terms of content MGS3 looks pretty good, the highlight being the crocodile head, of course! As for those screenshots, however - what, are we supposed to be ****ing stupid or something?


                              Originally posted by broomey
                              that second shot looks well odd

                              floating platforms!?

                              not very 1960s?
                              My thoughts exactly, I was really hyped for this game, telling everyone how Kojima was going to make it 'low-tech' with the 60's setting and no radar. Then I go and watch a vid, it's all going so well, and I witness the attack of multiple rocket sleds.

                              *sigh* Why do you always have to take it too far, Kojima?

