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MGS3 screens

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    I like the shimmery woman in the 3rd pic - I bet Snake gives it some sleaze before popping her one behind the ear


      I think your complaints about realism are a bit unfair.

      I mean, though it's been set in the next decade, some of the MGS technology is also very far-fetched for the era - stealth camo, etcetera.

      Those floating platforms look like 60s equivalents of a Cypher - that is, based upon what was high-tech then. A lot of fuel, a helicopter blade, a very rudimentary computer for the machinegun. It's about as farfetched _for the era_ as any other MG game. Walking tanks, come on!

      And the retro-Cypher is possibly a clue - that's got to be Big Boss in the command centre/plane, right, with the scar over the eye? So Snake is Snake. Or some form of Snake... and note that his pressure-suit mask (for what is probably a HALO jump) looks awfully like Raiden's breathing apparatus.

      It's like Peter Ackroyd's notion of psychogeography - the same story being told over and over again, across history. This time it's retro. But futuristic too. (Also, did I see a little wiry earpiece in one shot? Retro-hour-long-codec-conversations ahoy!)

