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    Dave, I've tried chatting to you thrice now in the camp... You ignoring me or is there a second (god forbid) davidholliss?....


      sorry wan't ignoring you, was laying new floor tiles while playing (as you do around midnight changed my name now, will chat next time honest.


        look bellow
        Last edited by Angelo; 14-02-2005, 12:04.


          Btw for new players and current ones who are being caught up in lag and queues go to the Aszune server, very good connection on there at the moment, which brings me ontop my next point:

          I've just started a guild for casual gamers who like to reap the rewards of being in a guild. Any level and class accepted on this server, either PM me here on send mail in WoW to Syoaran in the Aszune server. Alliance members only however.


            two quick questions;

            1) are you all just playing with 1 character or trying out a couple ?
            2) not that I'm thinking of doing it, but if you cancel you subscription for a month wouldyou lose your character or can you re-subscribe and still be able to use the same character ???

            also while reading the manual earlier, I see the Level 60 max will be increased over a period of time

            also, intrigued to find how many exp points you need to get between levels once you get to 10+ prehaps someone could post (in a spoiler)



              I havn't the time nor inclination to run two characters dave, although some at PIE do...

              Oh, and inter-level gaps grow significantly the higher you go... getting to Level 7 is easy - then it all starts to slow down rather.


                Yes, XP needed to reach the next level seems to rise exponentially. I'm sure a mate on US said it took as long to do 25-30 as it did to get from 1-25, or something daft. But I'm very much here for the long term (have a 6 monthly sub), so it's not an issue for me.

                btw, heh, PIE is up to 63 members. Can't believe how well everyone is working together, makes you proud to be part of it all. Going to get the RP going soon, hopefully everyone will get involved.


                  Originally posted by davidholliss
                  two quick questions;

                  1) are you all just playing with 1 character or trying out a couple ?
                  2) not that I'm thinking of doing it, but if you cancel you subscription for a month wouldyou lose your character or can you re-subscribe and still be able to use the same character ???
                  Sorry Dave, missed these

                  1. Barely have time to play 1, let alone 2. Folk who weren't on the beta may like to try out a few classes though, to get a feel for what they want to do. Best to do this prior to joining a guild, save inviting/kicking alt characters all the time

                  2. Yeah, kit etc should stay. MMO devs often say they do a char wipe now and again, but I've been months without my account, only to return to it being completely in tact. May want to confirm this with Blizzard though, but it's usually at least 3 months before they threaten "data may be lost".


                    Having a problem registering at the moment.
                    Cant open the custview.jsp
                    Anyone help with this one?


                      Is that javascript or something? Which browser you using mate? Have you got another handy you could try it from?


                        Firefox for me Stu.
                        Looks like the signup server is out of action / overwhelmed.


                        It'll be a long night methinks.


                          Ah right, it works fine in a vanilla FF, must be knackered again then :/

                          hint to devs: please account for MMO launches being popular in future.


                            When I tried registering it brought up an error, but also a website I could connect too...have you tried this? I don't remember the website


                              Originally posted by PeteJ
                              When I tried registering it brought up an error, but also a website I could connect too...have you tried this? I don't remember the website
                              Didn't know you were trying this, I've been playing as the Alliance with rllmuk since it started.

                              Don't know why you would want to play a game that will take up even more time than halo 2 though.

                              Oh yeah and I registered through

                              Join thousands of mighty heroes in Azeroth, a world of magic and limitless adventure.
                              Last edited by Mr Pump; 14-02-2005, 18:56.


                                Yeah I bought it yesterday, but of an impulse purchase.

                                I'm a dwarf Warrior called Fuser on the DragonSpire server, level six. I've always wanted to try a MMORPG, and I've heard this is pretty easy to play, so thought I may as well!

                                (don't laugh at my poor attempts to spell Dwarf, brain fart )
                                Last edited by PeteJ; 14-02-2005, 19:03.

