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    I've had the mining bug too - only once mine you. A little annoying but least it is sort of easily fixed!

    I had a similar experience involving rats too - Over in Ironforge there is a quest where you must enchant 5 rats with a special flute (like the pied piper) and then lead them to this guy.

    The main problem was that hardly any rats spawn, and of the few there were some idiots had already enchanted and left the area - so you couldn't then enchant them or kill them - and thus no more would spawn! Stuck not being able to do anything.

    To make matters even worse some fool was going around intentionally killing the few normal ones ft:

    I did manage to finish the quest, but it took longer than it should have done!


      Originally posted by Rushy
      This is a known issue which Blizzard have said will be fixed in the next patch (they better had).

      You should have spoke to them and all got together as a party, which would have meant killing them would be super fast and you wouldn't be working against each other. Yes you'd still have to kill as many to get the required drops for everyone but the rate at which the enemy is taken down makes life much easier.
      We didn't group up, but we were working together. Although there were a lot of us, we still worked together in order to kill stuff and took it in turns to pick up the items. There is a great community in the game, which does help in these situations!

      I hope the patch comes out soon, and sorts out the Rage problem with the Warrior class too


        What's the problems with Rage for warriors? I know you dont ever seem to have enough especially if you want to go 1h+shield but its not that bad.


          I'm torn as to whether to go onto the Earthen Ring RP server or a PVE one.

          Can you get away with just speaking normally in a proper manner - i.e. not "Hay ladz how R U?? @8-)" - or do some people get shirty if you don't play in character? What percentage of players would you say play in character on the RP servers?

          I'm afraid the other servers will be full of txt chatting idiots and jibbering 1337 boys but am really not up for roleplaying a character myself or having all those around me constantly roleplaying.


            I'm actually winding down the recruitment for time being in PIE, we've hit 90 members and I want to make sure we're all singing from the same hymn sheet before I continue. Speaking normally is fine tbh, especially if you're human or undead, who I don't think have accented speech via the words used.

            tbh, if folk want to "wtf lol ur ty yw omg", there are about 40 servers you can do it on, why ruin the atmosphere for the 2 rp server folk

            Anyway, have fun whichever you decide - it's all good


              That's great, thanks. I'll be heading onto Earthen Ring in a few days.


                I've not noticed any l33t speak on any server to be honest, the community is pretty friendly and helpful.


                  Anyone recommend a PvP server, so far having a pretty good time on Earthen Ring, but might aswell try something different aswell.


                    You could always join me on Dragonsblight Allience Dwarf.

                    Madmanleon and a few of the Halo2 clan peeps are on it\will be on it too.


                      Sounds like a plan, whats your name on there?


                        Driver update sorted it out, played for about 5 hours so far just trying to raise my level really (think i am 6 atm)

                        Done about 7 quests which were simple collect this item for whoever.

                        Any tips for levelling up abit quicker?


                          Just found the tram system,what an amazing game.
                          I'm only up to level 10 at the moment,trying not to spend my whole life on the game....easily done!!!



                            To level quicker just kill everything you see along the way and work on more than one quest at a time.

                            What char did you make?


                              Originally posted by Valken

                              To level quicker just kill everything you see along the way and work on more than one quest at a time.

                              What char did you make?
                              Undead Warlock Char.

                              Yeah begining to do more than one quest at a time, each time you log out is the quest information saved so you can just continue straight off?


                                Yeah quest progress is saved.

