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    20 minutes back online.
    14 Rotting dead and a dingbat and not a single XP!

    I am wasting my time. I am running around Brill 'playing' the game which I also paying good money for, for absolutely sod-all.

    Perhaps I should play in the spirit of the game and move along to a higher level area, leave my son behind or take him along and watch us both get hammered.


      Can you stick in the easy areas long enough to help your son level up? Then you could both progress together...



        If you take your son with you and group up with him he'll get the XP too and level quicker... Brill's a ****hole anyway... the the Zepellin West to Orgrimmar and quest there.


          If you're bashing low level mobs for tuppence xp at a time, what to genuinely lower people kill?

          By all means tank for your son in Brill - fire in something wussy and just stand there as he hits them (don't group, he'll get little xp). There are many ways for a high level char to assist a low level, but it involves sacrifices in that you'll gain very little, if anything at all.

          I ran through RFC again the other night, getting next to no XP at all, simply because we had some folk who hadn't done it yet.


            Well I bought WoW again, and I'm installing it now. Ready for addiction #2

            What server/world whatever is PIE on? I'll be looking for a good community when i start .


              Gave in to temptation on order with Amazon so i will be playing next week

              So to play with you guys its the RP server and a Horde char?

              Edit - And do you guys just chat on here about quests you are doing or do you use things like IRC?
              Last edited by VoyagerFX; 18-02-2005, 18:08.


                We're on Earthen Ring, along with the rllmuk community. I'll just say though chaps, because it's becoming an issue now - we, and the rllmuk guys, are roleplaying guilds, and employ rules. Best check the first post of this thread for the specifics of PIE.

                I'm having to employ them more strictly now, such is our member base and activities.


                  Getting to grips with the low-level exp thing now and living with it. It seems you get exp for killing Monsters at your own level -5.
                  Now at level 14 and only get exp for level 9 and above. This means a fair old hike in Brill before finding a group of potential kills.

                  Still plenty of quests knocking around Brill, so I'll be staying there for a wee while yet.

                  Playing as 'Darkjinxter' and my lad is 'Darkmarble'. Say hello if you see us running around like headless chickens.


                    I'm really starting to get into this game now.

                    I'm well on my way to level 15 and have enjoyed every moment!

                    I spent lots of time just getting to grips with things myself (essentially going it alone) until yesterday where I started to work with people and complete quests in small groups. The group work has been very rewarding, I have met quite a few great people and have had many hours of fun since teaming up with them.

                    No offence to the existing guilds (PIE etc) but I have found it very enjoyable forging alliances on my own without knowing anyone in game beforehand. Not only that today I was asking to provide my signature on a guild charter as a founding memeber

                    I love this game, so much more than FFXI and I have made so much more progress.

                    Anyhow, just for those who missed it, my character is called Granger, currently Level 14, Alliance Warrior.

                    Say hello if you see me - At the moment I spent my time around Westfall


                      The brave men of PIE hurry to Bloodhoof in Mulgore, to ward off the attack of the humans.
                      Attached Files


                        your robe is sexy stu, git.


                          Well I started playing on a different server to PIE (don't quite fancy a RP server) and I'm a level 15 tauran warrior at the moment (and I've amassed a mighty 1 gold coin 8)). I'm really enjoying the game, it's a lot more solid than Everquest 2 and exceeds my expectations. Particularly when I saw this view that I just have to share with you all. Absolutely stunning:
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by ?pint; 20-02-2005, 21:04.




                              Originally posted by Friction

                              Anyhow, just for those who missed it, my character is called Granger, currently Level 14, Alliance Warrior.

                              Say hello if you see me - At the moment I spent my time around Westfall
                              alliance scum!

                              Hope I don't see you or it will be the steel of my dagger, or the bite of my demon that I cast on you which will be felt.

                              For the horde!


                                In an event of which news travelled like wildfire, 40 PIE members marched from Camp Taurajo in Mulgore and through up into the Ashenvale Forest, land of Elves. There, at Maestra's Post, we held the territory for around 30-45mins, picking off countless Elves.

                                Awesome work by everyone involved, a video of the event is currently being editted together.

