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World of Warcraft Info

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    Info about joining PIE here

    Enrollment info here (not sure if this is all necesary)


      This is the first MMORPG that I've ever played and I'm totally addicted. I have a 3rd level human warlock, 6th level nightelf druid and 16th level nightelf hunter. there just aren't enough hours in the day to play it though


        gah! Leave the alliance.

        For the Horde!


          What server you on Strider?


            16th level hunter is on Emerald Dream
            6th Level Druid on Aszune
            3rd level Warlock is on Stormrage

            All my characters are alliance.


              I've finally reached level 20

              I've also joined a great guild on the Dragonspire server that have been helping me out loads, and taking me into high level areas just to show me about. Great stuff! The dungeons after level 20 are so crazy - one in Redridge was just an onslaught of lvl25 elites for ages.

              Still not done an Instance though...


                Originally posted by Strider
                16th level hunter is on Emerald Dream
                6th Level Druid on Aszune
                3rd level Warlock is on Stormrage

                All my characters are alliance.
                death to the humans!!

                The Forsaken will have you all.


                  I've got to say that I am starting to enjoy my Orc Warrior, the starting area isnt as good as the Night Elf area but it gets better as you go. Still going to be my alt. though.


                    Originally posted by Super Stu
                    Welcome to the guild, mate

                    I'll be honest, all the starting areas seem a little uninspiring at best (possibly with the exception of the elves), but hells bells... everything thereafter never ceases to amaze. I finally got down to Shimmering Flats and Gadgetzan last night... O_o
                    I actually saw you yesterday Stu!

                    You were in Desolace looking a bit lost!

                    I couldn't really comminicate, as my character is Alliance but I did give you a little bow and a wave

                    Starting to get out and about in the wider world myself now, seen a few of you PIE people around!

                    I'm still loving this game, just hit level 34, and seeing the new areas I see there is a heck of a lot left for me to do in the world!


                      Hehe yeah, I dunno where the hell I was going in Desolace. I found some sort of interesting Orthanc looking place, but sadly couldn't enter.

                      What was your name again fella? I'll keep an eye out I hope I remembered to wave :P

                      .. oh wait, were you with that group of people who bowed and stuff, then carried on past? I turned to wave to those later, I was afk at the time!


                        Anyone else having problems logging onto the servers tonight....I was on earlier today but I now keep getting the disconnected from server message.


                          Just logged off now having played since about 9pm, Earthen Ring was sound as a pound like, sorry.


                            Ah cool Strider, another Aszune server guy - decided to go to the server because on 1st day it didnt have lag and Rangarok were playing there (very hardcore group that some of Blizzard staff are members off, all 1st day players are already lvl 60 and they have 250 players already....... some ppl) - anyway, im Syoaran on the server so get in touch (Human 45 PAL), and Stu im on Earthan Ring but hardly get a chance to lvl and play RP lol


                              Originally posted by Super Stu
                              Hehe yeah, I dunno where the hell I was going in Desolace. I found some sort of interesting Orthanc looking place, but sadly couldn't enter.

                              What was your name again fella? I'll keep an eye out I hope I remembered to wave :P

                              .. oh wait, were you with that group of people who bowed and stuff, then carried on past? I turned to wave to those later, I was afk at the time!
                              Yeah I think that would have been me.

                              Granger is my characters name, I was with 2 or 3 people.

                              You were standing in the middle of the road looking a bit lost - assumed you were AFK as after I had gone past I saw you come back to life

                              I'll wave again if I see you another time!


                                Originally posted by Angelo
                                Ah cool Strider, another Aszune server guy

                                anyway, im Syoaran on the server so get in touch (Human 45 PAL)
                                It's a shame we can't adventure together, you just wouldn't get any experience . I'll certainly keep an eye out for you though, I'm Windchaser

