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    ugh this game is hooking my life away now

    probably a good thing in a way, stops me going out and wasting money

    level 23 warlock, getting ro grips with this guy now ^_^ just done the deadmines, that was tough even with a group of 5 of us.... glad i dont have to do that again anytime soon


      Hey, kids. Just a quick question I need answering quickly.

      If I buy one of the 60-day cards and use the disc(s) that my friend has let me borrow, will it be alright?


        Only if you have your own CD-key, for creating the account. Lending you the actual client isn't enough.

        So go buy it, heh.

        edit - Zan, pick the easier one, *sleep*, kill the harder, have a cup of tea til sleep wears off, kill. ;p


          Buy it?

          But from where? Everywhere is bloody sold out.


            I just love my druid! Can't imagine a warrior at level 31 going up against two elite enemies at the same time, lvs 30 and 28 and winning, without using potions and such

            Nature's Swiftness, Healing Touch and Bear form = eternal life >: )
            From what ive read Warriors start to get alot better after 40, and Druids slow down at 35-40.


              Someone who asked in their local shop said there'd be another batch printed in early April. You'll have to wait til then sadly mate, you won't be able to play by borrowing the discs.


                Originally posted by Pij
                From what ive read Warriors start to get alot better after 40, and Druids slow down at 35-40.
                True enough. Once you get plate armour, starting going in more depth with your blacksmith profression (assuming you've chosen that) and start picking up the better abilities, armour and weapons, becomes good fun


                  Originally posted by Destrukticor
                  account was billed for this yesterday it showed on my online banking as a hotel in london!
                  Interesting look from the wife despite the fact i was at work
                  rang the hotel and a severly pissed off women answered and said the bill should have read blizzard
                  she must have had hundreds of calls on this thoughout the day....

                  Wasnt the swallow hotel was it? As i've got some random hotel entry on my online banking as well...


                    The US patch was released yesterday (big update, new dungeon, new UI and lots of bug fixes\character tweaks) and I've received a message that work will be done on the Europe servers tomorrow...? Is this for the patch? Hope so, the warrior is getting buffed big time

                    Yep, its coming tomorrow:


                      just started a char on the server all you guys play on, her names blythe - human warlock
                      (i've named all my chars so far after japanese toys )

                      I've also got 2 chars on bladefist:

                      Domo - Tauren Warriror
                      Gloomy - Undead Rogue



                        A human? You numpty. :P

                        Always pick a Horde character on the Earthen Ring server!


                          PIE is no more? Only been a member for two and a bit weeks and was just getting to know people on a daily basis. Shame to see it go but look forward to what the future holds for PI?!?

                          If anyone wants to hook up in the meantime then /tell JunJin. Just got L25 and loving the game.




                            I've got skinning and enchanting as main skills. Is it possible to change either of them?


                              Yep, you can cancel a primary skill but you'll lose all of your progress points in it. Press K, find the skill and click the cancel button.


                                Fat_bob, you got a PM on the PIE boards mate. Fear not


                                "Behind every good Mage, is a Priest out of Mana"


