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World of Warcraft Info

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    i welcome myself to war craft, once i get into this game i can see mylife slipping away ?_? been getting nagged into playing it for weeks now


      Originally posted by PeteJ
      Have you tried reinstalling the game? Maybe the patch messed up the client-side authentication process or something...
      It seems like they finally sorted out the authentication servers on Friday - I was able to reset my password Friday afternoon, and was quite happily playing again on Zenedar over the weekend. My Night Elf Druid is now up to a fearsome Level 12. Woo!


        So is everyone playing together? I noticed most people seem to be Horde on Earthen Ring, is there an Alliance guild too?

        I've made an Orc Warrior on earthen ring as my alt, but I mostly play on Runetotem with my Night Elf hunter.


          as you can see from the list, most of us are indeed on Earthen Ring playing as Horde (PIE)

          a couple of peeps play as Alliance but for a guild you would probably be better off with Rllmuk.... but who wants to be alliance anyway


            hmm - ive got to ask, who's card has been debited. I dont know if the money ive put into my account has been transfered in has gone in time (stupid paypal). Wow account page says pending but also says that the money should be debited out 1:30PM CST, which has come and gone. Does pending mean its done and dusted and I dont have to worry or is my account suddenly going to disapear later tonight? lol


              sorry if posted already but see Blizzard are banning people for selling gold

              PS. Cancelled my sub to this game, good as it was, back to 4 wheel racing for me, thanks for all the help though.



                And good riddance to the ebay tarts.

                Sorry to see you go mate, all the best.


                  Quite impressive that real-world social traits get carried over to a MMO title. It's like that excellent story in Eve Online (The Great Scam), where people go to extreme lengths for very little gain.

                  Interesting subject, I didn't realise the genre could be so ruthless.


                    Good to see Blizzard trying to strike hard at Real Money Trade in a bid to cut it off early before it becomes too much of an issue.

                    Square-Enix did too little, too late, with regards to Final Fantasy XI and the game has suffered because of it


                      Question - how do you leave a guild?

                      The one I'm in is pretty dead, and the two "leaders" haven't been online for several months. I have the rank of Scouter so do not have the options to manage members - including myself.

                      If I cannot leave, then that sucks.

                      edit - /gquit is the answer
                      Last edited by PeteJ; 14-03-2005, 18:18.


                        Originally posted by g-funk
                        So is everyone playing together? I noticed most people seem to be Horde on Earthen Ring, is there an Alliance guild too?

                        I've made an Orc Warrior on earthen ring as my alt, but I mostly play on Runetotem with my Night Elf hunter.
                        g u tart...whats ur name on the server?


                          Finally got my arse in gear and joined PIE yesterday. What a great bunch of very helpgul people. Hopefully this will be the start of something special.

                          In regards to WOW itself.... i'm totally addicted, 2.30 am on mon night and 1am lasat night. Think I'll have to but a mighnight cerfew of playing coz i'm too tired at work. The game started of as something of a disappointment, I didn't think much of valley of trials as a starting base. But the Barrens, Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmer are simply incredible.

                          Do find it slightly annoying having to play in the dark all the time. Would love to look out over thunder bluff ridge to see the sun shining.

                          Hope to see you all online

                          Fat Bob



                            Welcome to the guild, mate

                            I'll be honest, all the starting areas seem a little uninspiring at best (possibly with the exception of the elves), but hells bells... everything thereafter never ceases to amaze. I finally got down to Shimmering Flats and Gadgetzan last night... O_o


                              The Horde starting areas are a bit of a pain... IMO Mulgore > Durator > Tirisfall Glades...

                              The undead starting area is terrible! But the thing is I kinda like the look of Undercity the best. It's like something out of a Richard Burton movie!


                                Think I'll need to get some PIE love soon too, is there any rules about joining? My horde char is an alt. so at the moment he doesnt get as much play as my main NE Hunter, but i'd love to join up anyway if thats cool.

