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Pariah Demo

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    Just had a pretty big session on this, it definitely improves the more you play it. The weapons do take some adjusting to, but when you get used to them it makes very frantic online play that actually takes a bit of skill, spraying and praying unlikely to get you altogether that far, which is certainly a nice touch. I really like the visuals as well...not as nice as Half-Life 2 or Doom 3, but big and detailed models all over the place with some great weapon effects and a huge DM map. Works for me


      Was thinkin about gettin this for XBox so downloaded the MP demo last night. First few games were laggy as hell and left me unimpressed... but I stuck with it and am so glad I did. The next hour included some of the most frantic and fun online shooting I have had in ages. The demo map was great, plenty of variety in the structures and landscape, multiple routes for assault, etc. And the weapons... nearly everyeone was sporting a grenade launcher as this is a devastating weapon. The sound for the launcher is the best I have heard in a while, great stuff!!

      Vehicle handling wasn't as tight as what I have been use to with Halo2 but still felt quite good. The game is best played on foot though so the vehicles were rarely used in my Team Deathmatch games.

      There is nothing revolutionary in here but the action is furios and the weapons over the top and glorious to wield. Pending solid reviews I will be looking at picking this up for either XBox or PC.

      I fired Halo2 up straight after the demo and appreciated Halo2 more because of the demo. IMO, Halo2 is still the best online shooter going but Pariah looks like it could bring something interesting to an already overcrowded table.



        Right. So I take it you know about the weapon upgrade system, then?

        Fully upgraded assault rifle, 6 weapon cores solely for that weapon. Nothing comes close. Enhanced rate of fire, SEVERE recoil reduction and armor piercing rounds.



          Yes, I do know about the weapon enhancement ability but didnt have the chance to utilise it last night. The hour I played was just about killing as many enemy troops as I could see. It does sound like quite a tidy little system and one that could add a bit of variety to the gameplay and make each players playthrough more individual. But... having fired up Halo2 immediately after playing this it all felt a bit shaky. Granted it was a demo and not a true representation of the game, I still dont see it doing anything that I aint seen done better in Halo2 or Half Life2.

          I had high hopes for Pariah and having played the demo they are very much still alive. I just hope the campaign offers enough to justify a full purchase, thats all


            **** this Battlefield2 is just around the corner. It's Unreal wi' tweaks.

            Not bitter cos it didn't run right on ma PC like !


              Aye, no bitter at all hehehe!!

              For PC shooters I think BF2 is where the next step is, agreed Yoshi. But.. for those interested, Pariah does offer some gorgeous visuals to go with your mental action. It is an Unreal lovers dream. Over the top weaponry and a nice upgrade system. Nothing revolutionary but what it does do it does REALLY well. Hope it gets the kudos it deserves!!

              Get yer rig sorted Yoshi

