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saturn PAL VA0 power supply pins (and how to use import adaptor)

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    saturn PAL VA0 power supply pins (and how to use import adaptor)

    I am trying to do the 50/60Hz switch, but the guides on the internet refer to saturn models different from mine, and I cant find the +5V or the ground pin. Can anyone help?
    Last edited by dada; 30-04-2005, 11:34.

    should be easy to find if you have a volt meter, iirc (modded mine a while ago) there is a separate power supply board, connected to the main board by ~4 large pins just like in a dreamcast, one of these should be +5V and another ground. The ground will be connected to loads of stuff, like the metal case thing so should be easy to spot by following the tracks? then use the volt meter to find the +5V. obviously solder to the back of the main board not the power supply board or the pins. hopefully someone will have a better answer for you as i don't want to be held responsible for anything that might go wrong. Hope that helps and hope i am not talking complete rubbish on second thaughts the power supply isn't connected to the ground via the plug, although what i said should still be right? good luck!


      oh dear, ive joined pins 79 and 80 together, bollox. Right I give up, is there anyone willing to do this mod for me (and fix the mess that I made)?I cant separate the pins, Im not skilled enough, neither do I have the tools, I think I would need a desoldering braid.


        i messed up the first one i did too, pulled one of the solder pads off had to solder directly to the chip on the wrong side and messed up 2 legs of the chip, it still works but crashes quite a bit, did my mate's one next and that went fine, but i wouldn't do it for anyone else, would be far too scared of messing it up good luck getting it fixed


          billy_dimashq mods them, try sending him a PM and see if he can help.


            Fixed it, it works. Now, with my saturn that I just bought came this white cartridge with no label. It looks like some cheap action replay/ import adaptor, but how do I use this? I have plugged it in but nothing happens.


              its probably a memory cart then. nice one fixing it


                yeah, it wasnt easy though, at first the joypads didnt work and the CD wasnt being read, so I sort of opened it up and closed it again, and then it started to work (??????). I have seen this sort of cart on ebay, being sold as an action replay/import adaptor, so I was a bit concerned as to why it wasnt working. Dont suppose theres any chance that druring the modding process that the cartridge slot has been messed up?I dont think so, most probably it is a memory upgrade as you say, or the cartridge itself may have stopped working.


                  Glad you got it working

                  Does the adapter have any other ports on it, I have one of the rip-off import adapters and it has a parallel port on the top.

                  To see if it's an memory cart, try using the saturn memory manager to copy some saves to it?



                    Dont suppose theres any chance that druring the modding process that the cartridge slot has been messed up?
                    The cartridge port on the Saturn is notoriously iffy. Try pulling the cartridge out slightly, and keep trying with it in different positions as they're often not recognised when pushed all the way in.


                      The cart is totally white with no label, with no other ports on it. Just tried it again and it worked, it seems there was a "rayman" game save on it, so it must have been some sort of memory card or something. Exactly how would an action replay/import adaptor work anyway?Will there be something on screen when I boot the saturn up?


                        Depends on the adapter, the action replay boots into it's own menu where you can manage saves and launch games, the ST-Key looks like it goes to the normal audio CD screen (the same you get for an unrecognised disc) but if you click on play it will actually launch the game in the tray.

